
Opportunity for Young Science Students

Pakistan Science Foundation‐PSF, a Federal Government organisation under the Ministry of Science & Technology is continuously striving for promotion and popularisation of science in the country. For capacity building of young students and to motivate them towards adapting Science as their future career, PSF in collaboration with the British Council intends to send 3‐4 students for participation in the two week event, London International Youth Science Forum‐2013, scheduled to be held in July 2013 at Imperial College, London.

Regular Science students born between July 1991 to 7 August 1996 may send their applications to the undersigned by 18 Feb 2013 along with the prescribed proforma available on PSF website Only short‐listed candidates, chosen purely on merit basis, will be called for interview for final selection. The decision of the panel of Scientists/Experts will be final.

PSF will bear all the expenditure of selected students for their participation in London International Youth Science Forum‐2013. However, partial contribution from the selected students will be encouraged.

Abdul Rauf
PSF Coordinator for LIYSF
Ph: 9203186, Cell: 0333 5527 581

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