Pneumonia: Free medical camps held in Khot Valley, Chitral

Gul Hammad Farooqi
Chitral, March 27: After outbreak of pneumonia at Khot valley of Torkoh free medical camps were held at different places of the valley under supervision of District Health Officer (DHO) Chitral Dr. Israrullah Khan. Some 530 patients (mostly children) were examined in these free medical camps at Basic Health Unit Khot and the Aga Khan Health Center.
Dr. Fayaz Ali Rooni district coordinator of Fata KPK Health programme ( Save the children) , Dr. Shabir Ahmad of pediatric and doctors of AKHS participated in the free medical camp. Medicines worth thousands of rupees were also distributed among the patients free of cost.
A local social worker Mir Gulab Khan told this scribe that some 14 children died due to pneumonia during the last two months. He said that he informed AKHS,P high up as a result AKHSP sent their health team earlier and government health department also sent their team two days back.
A medical expert said that we collected data and history from parents whose children below one year were died and on oral autopsy it confirmed that these children were died by pneumonia.
In this connection a function was also held at BHU Khot under the chair of Sher Aziz Baig former Nazim Union Council, Khot. They lamented the role of the Khyber Pahtonkhwa Health project formerly PPHI (Peoples Primary Health Initiative) saying their doctor was absent from duty during these times of crisis. As all BHU are working under KPH project and this is a responsibility of their doctor and staff to inform their high ups as well as health department about the scenario and outbreak.

They hailed Dr. Israrullah DHO who visited the valley twice a week and giving quick response to the demands of the community he arranged the free medical camp. Residents of the area demanded from DHO for door-to-door vaccination of because there is some 2 feet snow in the are and it is very difficult to carry newly born children to BHU for vaccination, they said.
They also demanded for free medical camp at upper area of Khot valley and up-gradation BHU to Rural Health Center Khot. They urged on health department for regularize all temporary civil dispensaries in the valley. Local people criticized district administration that Deputy Commissioner Chitral not visited the area after such a big incidence.