
Smarten up your business with smartphone apps

Azka Naeem

The journey of the computer has finally reached its destination: the palm of your hand, in the form of smartphones. Who would now bother switching on the laptop and waiting while the system gets ready to let us Google a word or a place we intend to reach? The availability of such handy devices bringing the whole world literally to the palm of our hands has given birth to several new applications, making the entire experience a lot more exciting and meaningful.

For emerging as well as existing businesses, the increasing role of smartphones in our lives demands the introduction of innovative features designed intelligently to incorporate marketing and business strategies according to the the users’ needs. In fact, existing apps can sometimes become an inspiration for introducing new ones. Meanwhile, the smartphone users continue to get surprises in the form of apps as simple yet helpful as calorie counters to more complex applications that help the members sell their homemade and handmade items to a highly receptive community of international buyers.

The ease provided by smartphone applications to the clients is pushing forward businesses in a new and somewhat unexplored direction. The business models of today are crafted around these apps to generate leads. Smartphone applications are continuously evolving to offer user-friendly features assisting the lead generation process. Huge businesses with many outlets located worldwide, too, find it promising to reach out to the customers through such apps.

On average, a smartphone user checks their phone 200 time per day, making it possible for your business app to acquaint the user with your brand in an intimate manner that was previously inconceivable.

“A smartphone app is a continuous blinking sign in the user’s vision range. It keeps your brand visible and available at all times for the end users, which makes it an absolute necessity if you want your brand to register a stronger presence in their minds,” said Zeeshan Ali Khan, the CEO of Pakistan’s top property portal Zameen.com.

According to Khan, features such as push notifications that keep users instantly informed about new developments have eliminated the time lag for new deals, products and offerings, and dissemination of news.

“Zameen.com was doing great but most of our users were still accessing our website on their computers. With the Zameen App, things have become a lot simpler and much more accessible for them. One-third of our traffic now comes from smartphone users,” he added.

The power of data, analysis of the existing trends and the ability to process this information will determine the success of any business in today’s environment. Having a good deal to offer but lacking the means to get it to the right audience at the right time will likely mean zero outcome, and smartphone apps are your best friends when you set out to accomplish all this.

The age of the smartphone has changed the dynamics of our day-to-day life, our learning mechanisms, our modes of public dealing, the way we communicate with friends and family. Everything from booking tickets, ordering food and making new friends has moved to the smartphone, and all of it looks to be here to stay. It is therefore more important than ever before to smarten up your business accordingly.

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