Gilgit - Baltistan

Watch the exclusive interview of Austrian paraglider and others after rescue operation


Speccial Thanks to NEREW Productions, Gulmit)

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  1. I salute the local communities for their strong determination and commitment to save a human life.

  2. I really appreciate that like our elders, our fellow generation too proved that the values are still alive. I must praise the elders, who transfered the real essence of our culture in the our generation.

  3. It is really good to konw that the Paraglider was rescued safely with the help of local communities, FOCUS and Pak Army. This will really highlight us and our area in a positive way, especially at times when the media is using the word Northern Areas to project the unrest situation in parts of NWFP.

    Good work pamir times and Nerew, for highlighting it.


  4. Great and Thanks to NEREW for capturing this important event….
    Also great job of Pakistan Army, Local Administration, the local community and particularly the members of Community Based Emergency Response Team (CERT) Gulmit which saved a precious human life.

  5. Great Great Great effort by all the rescue team. N SPECIAL THANKS TO PT 4 UP DATING US TIME TO TIME.

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