
Ghulkin Students Association held important meeting in Karachi

Press Release
The 11th General Body Meeting of the Ghulkin Students Association Karachi (GSAK) was held on February 05, 2009 in Karachi. The General Secretary presented the annual report of the year 2008 . The meeting was attended by GSA members, senoir students and new comers. The overall view of GSAK progress was discussed and various proposals were also presented for the better functioning of this Association in the years ahead. The appointment of new Cabinet for the year 2009 was also announced. The new cabinet comprises of 11 members.
Mr. Murad Khan has been re-elected as the President of GSAK, Mr. Nisar Karim as General Secretary and Mr. Sher Zaman as Finance Secretary. we Congratulate the new cabinet members and hope that they will serve this Association in their full capacity.   

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  1. I congratulate all the new representatives of Ghulkin Staudents Association Karachi. and i am confident the members and representatives will become steping stone for each other and work with zeal and zeast to strengthen the Association.

    It was estublished to assist the students of Ghulkin who come to karachi particulerly for study and its idea was presented by Saleem Khan bayee approximately 15 years before from its fromation the association started assisting their students organised different kind educationional activities and the Association arranged career concelling programme for the students of Gojal as well.
    Appart from this Association arranging Eid millen and get together for the redidents & Students of Ghulking living in Karachi.

    Ali Masud

  2. It is good that students from Gjojal valley is doing some activities, but it would be better if they should re-activated the GISAK, the parant body of Gojlali students, the students should relize that this organization was established the most prominant Gojalies, Like Late Gul Mohd, who was the person behind all Gojalis and Hunzai social activities duirng the 50s to 60s, so please do activated the Gojal Ismaili Students Association, the to NAISA, i am sure many of new commer are unware about NAISA, but i want to tell you all that this was the most strong students platfrom for all Northern Areas and Chitral students, today students are unaware about this very important students body. for more information i would like to refer you all to consult your senior students, espacially Mr. Ghulam Amin Baig who was the forfront of this body.

  3. I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulation to Murad Bahi on his re-elect as the present of Ghulkin Students Association though Murad serving for this association since last 4 years in different capacity but I really appreciate his service which he has given in last year. I am optimistic about his commitment and obligation that he will try to attain the desire goal of this association. I also value the services of other office barrier of last year which the provided to enlarge this organization through different activities not only at Karachi level but also at Village level. I am sanguine about the new cabinet that they will fulfill their commitments.
    All the very best
    Rupani Foundation

  4. Congratulations to all the newly elected office bearers, there is no doubt that timely elections and appointments help the student’s bodies to move forward with new zeal and enthusiasm, we hope that all the newly appointed members would work together by establishing mutual understanding.

    Keep your good innovative ideas and good work, all the ex-office bearers and members support your good efforts.


    Shah Zaman

  5. Congratulation to all the elected members of GSA in general and Mr. Murad Khan in perticular. your efforts and committment is highly appreciatable hamro not only for GSA but also for GISAK keep it up

    God Bless You

    Piyar Ali

  6. Well done Keep the struggle on with selfless and extreme dedication for the future.The success story of GSA IS TEAM WORK and Respect for the Elders.I am proud to be the part of this for many years.I solute for the cooperation and respect extended to me.I AM CONFIDENT Murad and his team will further strengthen and boost this growing organiztion with their maximum effort and love.
    This is the first year i missed the appointment ceremony but I am happy and confident about this little organiztion.

    Saleem Khan

    AKHSP Gilgit

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