Gilgit - Baltistan

[Know your land] Gahkuch – Head quarter of Ghizar district

Damas Gahkuch

Gahkuch is the head quarter of Ghizar district. This photograph shows the upper part of Gahkuch, called Damas.

I would urge people from Ghizar to tell us more about Gahkuch, like its area, population, major buildings etc. It is the formate of our segment “Know you land”. Here we share information about different parts of Gilgit – Baltistan. Editor_.

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  1. when you start your journey from Gilgit,you will come across some beautiful valleys on the way like Gich,singal, sherqila. And after a travel of about one and half hour you will enter in a very wide open and plane area after taking a very sharp turn. this wide open and beautiful place is called Gahkuch.
    Gahkuch starts with a divergen to the Ishkoman valley at china bridge and it ends again with a long floating bridge to the same valley. Gilgit river flows right through the mid of Gahkuch. The area across the river is called Haton. From Gahkuch a link road leads you to the Aiash(which is also known as Gahkuch Bala) valley which is also the view point for Gahkuch.
    Gahkuch is the head quarter of District Ghizer. It is a very late but fast developed city. I do remember it was a very small town in 1998 when i first came there for a test. but then within five year it grew and developed so much and the obvious reason for which was the completion of the construction of metal road from Gilgit to Phunder and other valleys of the district.
    Now you can have all the tourist facilities in Gahkuch. Green palace is fascinating hotel for tourists. There are other good hotels and guest houses like Karim guest house, Hill Heaven hotel,Shandur Hotel and many more.

    if you go along the main road,it leads you to Gupis, Phunder and ultimately to Chitral after passing the famous and beautiful Shundur pass which is almost 1400 feet above sea level. On the other hande if you go across the china bridge you will enter the famous Ishkoman valley and from there you will be lead to wakhan after passing the Koromber pass.
    There are some good and quality education institutes in Gahkuch. Notable of them is AKHSS which is like a ray of hope and a source of uplift for the people of Ghizer in particular and to the people of Gilgit-Baltistan in general.
    Government degree college Haton and some public schools and colleges are also playing their important role to the educational development of the area.
    There is very big diversity among the people in Gahkuch. it is the business hub of the district so people from the adjacent valley have settled there for business and education purpose. There is also a considerable number of Pathan business in the city.
    The people in Gahkuch are enjoying a very peaceful life despite such a diversity among them.

    (note: i was waiting for some local person from Gahkuch to provide us with some good information but no one did it and so i went on with quite a less informative article but hope u like it.)

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