
Renowned cultural activist and artist, Wilayat Shah, passed away

Our Correspondent

Wilayat Shah of Ghulkin Village, Gojal, passed away yesterday after a brief ailment. He was around 85 years old. He is survived by a widow and four children.

Late Wilayat Shah was an expert polo player, a sword-dancer and an enthusiastic proponent of cultural revival. He was also an expert of wood carving.

Pamir Times offers condolences on the sad death  and we pray for the departed soul.

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  1. MY Allah give there family the strength to bear this shock.
    We share your sorrow and pray may Allah rest the departed soul
    in eternal peace Aameen

  2. Indeed he was very famous sword dancer and was having good skills in that capacity..
    May Allah Rest His Soul in Eternal Peace..Ameen

  3. May Allah rest his soul in eternal peace and gave courage to bereaved family to bear this great loss.

    Ali Mehr
    Gilit Danyore

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