
WWF prepares communities for climate change induced hazards

Participants posing at the end of the workshop

Press Release

Gahkuch, September 14: World Wide Fund for Nature Pakistan (WWF – Pakistan) Saving Wetlands Sky High Programme organized a three day training workshop on “Climate Change Risk Management planning and Risk Reduction” at a hotel in Gahkuch, the headquarters of Ghizer District.

The presentation sessions was facilitated by experts from WWF-P and Focus Humanitarian Assistance Pakistan, while practical demonstrations on Search and Rescue were carried out by SAR experts from the Protector International.

The workshop was attended by around 30 participants from Qurumbar valley and Gahkuch. Representatives of relevant government and non-governmental organizations of district Ghizer also attended the training workshop.

Deputy Commissioner Ghizer, Mr. Qamar Shehzad chaired the closing ceremony and distributed certificates amongst the participants. Chief Guest in his remarks appreciated and thanked WWF-Pakistan for helping local communities and relevant agencies improving their understanding of Climate change issues and improving their skills to better respond to climate change related hazard risks and disaster in Ghizar area. He also highlighted the work of WWF-P regarding training and awareness, joint venture and to mobilize local communities and their quick response.

At the end of the session Farasat, Conservation Officer WWF- P thanked the participants and instructors for making the event a success.

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