17 thousand acres of “state-owned land” transferred to WAPDA for Diamer-Bhasha Dam project

ISLAMABAD – The WAPDA has paid a sum of Rs. 5.5 billion to the Govt of Gilgit-Baltistan for its disbursement to the people for acquiring private land for Bhasha Dam project. The govnt of Gilgit-Baltistan has also transferred 17,000 acres state-owned land to WAPDA for this mega project.
They said that the Government accords high importance to Diamer Bhasha Dam Project and in view of its significance, the Ministry of Water and Power, through WAPDA, is implementing it as a priority project.
They said work on various sites of the project is progressing smoothly and the work for resettlement of the affectees at Harpan Das model village has also been started. The sources said that construction work at WAPDA offices, residential facilities, roads and other infrastructure at Thor and Shatial by-pass is also progressing satisfactorily.
For Diamer Bash Dam Project, acquisition of land, development of infrastructure in the project area and implementation of resettlement as well social action plan are simultaneously underway through the funds provided by the Federal Government.
The process of selection of consultants for the project is in the final stage following submission of proposals by three internationally – renowned consortia.