World Environment Day celebrated in Hunza

Karimabad: Hunza Serena Inn in collaboration with Hasegawa Memorial Public School & College Karimabad Hunza celebrated the World Environment Day 2015 with the theme “Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care”.
The students of Hasegawa Memorial Public School & College exhibited paintings and other art works on environment impact of our planet. They also shared their views on how to reduce the pollution. Teachers also expressed their views on different environmental issues.
Mr. Rehmat Karim, Principal Hasegawa Memorial Public School & College, addressed the students. He expressed the need to disseminate the message of the day in order to save Hunza as a tourism destination. Mr. Asghar Khan, Manager Hunza Serena Inn, informed the participants about the role of Serena Hotels in promoting Responsible Tourism in Gilgit-Baltistan and importance of world environment day to promote sustainable lifestyles.
Every year, the United Nations Environment Program honors World Environment Day on June 5 to raise awareness about environmental issues and call for action.
The UN Environment Program says creating more sustainable lifestyles is crucial: “By 2050, if current consumption and production patterns remain the same and with a rising population expected to reach 9.6 billion, we will need three planets to sustain our way of life. Living well within planetary boundaries is the most promising strategy for ensuring a healthy future.”