
Kalash Valley’s Indigenous “Snow Hockey” Tournament held – Pictorial

The people of Kalash Valley, Chitral, have several interesting and unique traditions. Snow Hockey, or Snow Golf, is one of them. The sport involves teams. A specially disc-like ball is hit with a hockey-like stick. These photographs by Gul Hammad Farooqi attempt to explain the game.

CHITRAL: Lady MPA Bibi Fouzia kicking a ball on the eve of final match of snow hockey at scenic valley of Kalash valley where Shekhan Team beated Bron snow hockey team with 8 goals than 5 goals and won the trophy. Indegenous  sinter festival was oraznized by Ayun and Valley Development Program and Culture department KPK photos by Gul  Hamaad Farooqi
CHITRAL: Lady MPA Bibi Fouzia hitting a ball on the final day of the snow hockey competition.




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