Three Chitrali labourers die after falling in a chemical tank in Karachi

Monitoring Desk
Islamabad: Three Chitrali labourers lost their lives after falling in a chemical tank. The tragic incident took place inside a fish factory in the Ibrahim Haideri area of the coastal city of Karachi, where the labourers had gone to work.
According to details, the horrific incident took place when Bahadur Khan, 30, one of the deceased labourers slipped and fell in the chemical filled underground tank. His 42 years old brother, Bahadur Ullah (both brothers share the same name) jumped in the tank to save his fallen brother. Another labourer, Rahim Balaji, 35, also jumped in when he saw the two brothers stuck in the tank. All three reportedly died due to suffocation, unable due to breath due to the fumes coming off the chemicals.
An unidentified labourer, a resident of Karachi, also reportedly jumped in the tank to save the three, but he was taken out alive. Half of the rescued labourer’s body is reportedly paralysed.
The deceased are from the Garamchashma and Karimabad Valley of Chitral.