What are the 15 demands of the Awami Action Committee?

GILGIT: The Awami Action Committee has joined hands with religious and political organizations, to mobilize tens of thousands of people across Gilgit-Baltistan to press the governments in Islamabad and Gilgit for resolution of long-standing issues plaguing the masses.

Translated version of the 15 points Charter of Demands presented by the Awami Action Committee is as follows:
- Freeze wheat subsidy at 2022 rates. Provide each person with 9kilograms of wheat a month.
- Cancel Gilgit-Baltistan Finance Act 2023 and end all taxes imposed in Gilgit-Baltistan.
- End the successive governments’ ‘artificially created power crisis’ in the region and increase electricity production.
- Sign an agreement with the federal govt on the lines of the “National Finance Commission” to get financial resources for Gilgit-Baltistan.
- Accept ownership of locals over all uncultivated and baren land through the Gilgit-Baltistan Reforms Bill.
- Replace GB Assembly with a constituent assembly.
- Provide free electricity to Gilgit-Baltistan from Diamer-Bhasha Dam and give 80% royalty to GB in lieu of Water User Rights and Net Hydel Profits.
- Cancel all mining leases given to non-locals and award the leases to locals of Gilgit-Baltistan.
- Declare Tourism and Transportation as Industries in GB.
- Construct Shounter Tunnel to promote tourism in Gilgt-Baltistan.
- Construct medical and engineering colleges in Gilgt-Baltistan.
- Establish a university for women in GB.
- Restore all ancient trade routes and roads.
- Award PSPD contracts to local contractors in Gilgit-Baltistan.
- Make NATCO profitable by giving it transportation contract for wheat supply.
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