
Pamir Festival brings colors of Wakhan Valley together

by Mehboob Aziz

The second Pamir Festival was recently celebrated in Sarhad-e-Brughill, Upper Wakhan valley, on the 12th and 13th of August. The festival was organised by the people of the Wakhan with the assistance of the Wakhan Tourism Office, based in Ishkashim, Badakhshan. It provided an opportunity for the people of this little known area to gather and celebrate their culture and to welcome tourists and other visitors, interested in finding out more about the region. The Wakhan Tourism Office was established by the Aga Khan Foundation to develop appropriate tourism in the Wakhan. It has two main objectives — to bring a much needed new source of income so that local people don’t have to live in poverty; and to try to ensure that local people remain in control of tourism and other development as the region inevitably opens up to the world. The Office has helped local people to set up simple guesthouses and given them training in basic tourism services. It has also trained a number of mountain and tour guides.

During the festival Buzkashi (Buzkashi is the great equestrian sport of Central Asia and Afghanistan – a sort of polo played with the headless carcase of a goat or calf.)  and polo matches were played. Folk songs were sung and dances performed by artists belonging to Wakhan, Tajikistan and Pakistan. A Sufi night with music and bonfires had also been planned. Handicrafts were also available at stalls for the willinig buyers.


more information can be obtained by visiting www.wakhan.org

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  1. Indeed it is a great activates from wakhan Pameer Explore Pakistan tourism Congratulations to Wakhan Tourism and AKFA for the Festivals success
    We believe such kind of activities will bring positive Changes to youth and more then that it gives a massage of peace to the world.

    we belive Mr. Mehboob will continue his contribution to the development of Wakhi people in Wakhan Afganistan.

    we hope and belive that one day the horse will kiss the sky and the voice of Dawwon’s rubab will be a message of peace to the whole world.

    with best regards

    Meharban Karim
    Explore Pakistan Tourism

  2. Dear Mehboob Aziz,

    Congratulation to you and your team on organizing the second Pamir festival

    Best of luck

    Asghar Khan

  3. Dear Mahboob

    congrats over oraganizing this event….I got the success stories…from colleagues partcipated the event



    Serkuy i bland feryod kertem
    Ali Šer Xudo tow yod kerteme

    Sedoy I pыrsuz zыn rex̌ki Badaxṣ̌on
    Lali Badaxšon der xoki windeme

    Hey bulbuli reyhon et ambari pomer
    Lali Badaxšon et ambari pomir
    Fasli tobiston et ambari pomir
    Zami zamiston et ambari pomir

    Agr ki δegdeṣ̌ wost qarib waxt kыyen
    Mыburak eṣ̌ carn sepreg ya royen
    Qobil ya tin an rušroyi yow yexk
    Tuwet dыṣ̌ta a cem peywande boghn

    Hey bulbuli reyhon et ambari pomer
    Lali Badaxšon et ambari pomir
    Fasli tobiston et ambari pomir
    Zami zamiston et ambari pomir

    Saylem kert rexdim da xыšwaxti ghar
    Sepreg ambar em wind da kыwe sar

    Ti voli qeymat madыr et marjon
    Dardyo x̌ы išq ep cart re wun tar

    Hey bulbuli reyhon et ambari pomer
    Lali Badaxšon et ambari pomir
    Fasli tobiston et ambari pomir
    Zami zamiston et ambari pomir

    Olam Jon Daryo

    Congratulation to Mehboob and his hard working team for such great itiatives to promote tourism in the region for thier economic development. Dawood a nice guy to see with rubob….

    Ali Rehmat Musofer
    Timor Leste

  5. Great job done LUPYOR….. many many congratulations to you and to your team for this outstanding effort for the promotion of tourism and culture of Wakhan area……..

    Almaty Kazakhstan

  6. Dear Mehboob Aziz,

    I guess this time you had a bit less work load/ pressure in organizing the event as compared to the first one! My appriciation to your team the community and yourself.
    I undestand series of such events will promote tourism flow in the valley- contribute family incomes and it will also enhance local capacity to manage such events in the future whic is most needed.

    My best wishes and regards to stakeholders of the event.


  7. Dear Mehboob!
    well done mormor great achivment i am very happy to see your activities for xik people,s that,s wonderfull job…..

    your mormor
    DK Islamabad

  8. Dear Mohboob Aziz
    Congratution to you all your Great team in the second festival of Pamir. its excelent organizing and such of kind ativates wish you best of luck.
    all the best
    Mohammad ullah Doulatpour
    Calgary Albeta Canada

  9. Congergulation to you Sir Mehmoob Aziz for arranging the second pamir festivals.

    Keep on struggling to Arrange such activities in wakhan, we will seek from their cultures and tradition.and they will seek from us.
    it is indeed a great achivement for you to work with the wakhan khik,s but we khik,s and the wakhan khik,s are unaware of each others,although our language are same

    we all pray for your success in this great work

    Majeed ullah baig
    KIU Gilgit

  10. Dear Mehboob Aziz,

    Congratulation to you and all our team which were cooperated in the Second Festival of Pamir.

    Best regards,

    Habibullah Dawlat

    Ishkashim, Badakhshan

  11. Dear Mehboob Aziz,

    Etched wonderfully by time and still a field with life’s silver spark growing young gracefully.
    But nothing ever really happens here. I would really love to live honorable in this imagination and wonder-land.

    best regards,

    Edi Mohammad Sroush.

    Ishkashim, Badakhshan.

  12. I was so pleased and so deeply touched with the news that the second Pamir festival was held successfully. I hope and pray that our brothers on that side of the boarder are slowely but steadily gaining momentum to rise and create opportunities for themselves by organizing such colourful events.

    The hard work done by AKF in the area is commendable. I congratulate dzaqyor Mehboob and his team for such a successfull event.

    Sher Karim

  13. Great work Mehboo Bhai. Congratulaitons. It was really very nice to learn about the various colors of Wakhan. The people of Wakhan are veteran horse riders as obvious in the picture. I would be interested to know more about the artisits from Pakistan.


    Sultan Ahmed

  14. Many many congratulations to Mehbub Aziz Bhai for being proactive in promoting the remote area.
    Indeed the beautiful colors being exposed to the entire world will help the poor men to enrich their cultural identity more and more and will ultimately pave a way towards many developmental activities.
    Aslam Ghalib
    Bio-Rad Laboratories Limited

  15. Nice to know and learn about Wakhan festivel…. Indeed it is Mehboob Bhai’s efforts making it possible in such remote areas

  16. Dear Mehboob,
    Congratulations, really great job man, i really appreciate your patience towards this challenging performance, indeed you gave a new colour for Wakhan to the world of media.

    Best of luck

    Asif Soroush
    Dar es Salaam

  17. Dear friends,

    I’m tour operator from Tajik Pamirs. I’m really interesting in Wakhan Festival. Many tourist want to participate on this.

    Can you tell me pleas, when will start a new festival in Sarhad-e Burughel.

    Warm regards,


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