Shade or sun, rain or shine black or white, matters to me not
A glance of serene smile, just says all, memobaan naa jeeadan
My buddies in ventures, tots on trip and acquaintances landing in
Now, me in serenity, because you are there, memobaan naa jeeadan
You in an alien land, just hearing in a word of sweet discourse
Startled in joy, an instant rejoice, as you are there, memobaan naa jeeadan
Yes, in ultimate wearying journey and seeking refuge in a canopy
Reward, fortune or relief, because you are there memobaan naa jeeadan
In a chamber or post, nay to confront tasks and favors
Yet a gesture of relief, as you are there, memobaan naa jeeadan
In ailing kith, and in agony or ecstasy, or loneliness of sigh and grief
Me en-visioning thee, because you are there, memoban naa jeeadan
Lost in multitude, and astray, desperate in thunderstorm
A spark of hope and a blush, as I saw you, memobaan naa jeeadan
Wandering in leisure, as in carnivals and a joy never contended
What a whisper of magic word, yes it is you! memobaan naa jeeadan
A lane is out, and abode broken in, no shelter in a rainy day
A sweet word of calling in, I am here, memoban naa jeeadan
Yasiniks the son of worriers, Ishkoman a soil of saints, and my golden Ghizar
Thy Herbar heights, ours nether Huns and we all for core of Kanjut!
All Inay shullay yal loo baan, memobaan naa jeeadan
(Verses from my open, light & Hybrid (English-Burushaski) poetry)
Karim town, Zulfiqar colony, Gilgit
June 21, 2014