
Romanian trophy hunter is smitten by the love he received in this Pakistani mountain village

A Romanian national, Baron V Goldinger, who recently trophy hunted a Himalayan Ibex in Gulmit, Gojal Valley, Hunza, has the following to say on his Facebook profile about his adventure, and the locals who accompanied him during the hunt.
I owe my life and any success in this hunt and adventure not to myself, but to these fantastic people that I encountered and guided me in Hunza, Pakistan. I am no hero, but except me they are all heroes you’re looking at in this photograph.
I am deeply humbled by the humanity and generosity encountered in these simple people, people like: Beg’yaar, Uncle Jack, Tabarek, Tiger Man, The Butcher Brothers, Punjabi Boy, Charlie Chaplin, Putin, Spy Man and whatever colorful names they had. Wow, what fantastic people. To them I was simply and immediately Mister Trump. That was my codename nickname from them.
I walked up the mountain a man amongst strangers and we came down a band of brothers. I left a piece of my heart with that place and those people. Yes, people of a ‘stan’ they are my brothers!
This is us awake after spending the night on ice in a cave under a giant boulder, caught in a blizzard at 5ooo meters plus altitude!

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