
30 Women of Hoper Valley Nagar trained in poultry management

Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS) and Livestock Department Gilgit-Baltistan, under the project of “Disaster Preparedness and Resilience Project” organized 3-day poultry management training for 30 women at Union Council Hopper Valley Nagar.

Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS) with the generous funding of Danish Red Cross (DRC) is implementing project called Gilgit-Baltistan Preparedness and Resilience Project.

The project focuses on merging organizational outreach and capacity building in preparedness, disaster response and disaster risk reduction programming with a strengthening of similar capacities for villages and communities, based on refined PRC standard community based disaster risk reduction approaches.

The immediate objective of the project is to strengthened resilience of vulnerable communities in Hoper Valley, Nagar District through increased capacity of PRCS and local actors in disaster preparedness, livelihood, response and health in emergencies.

PRCS conducted training for thirty (30) potential women of Hopper valley Nagar, after completion of the training 25 layer birds per household distributed to the trained women to increase their income level, though they will support their household in health in emergencies.

Certification distribution ceremony held in the end of the training session Ms. Noor Ul Ain (Provincial secretary Pakistan Red Crescent Society, PRCS) awarded 30 participants of layer management.

The efforts of Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS) Hunza- Nagar Branch and Danish Red Cross (DRC), Department of Livestock Gilgit-Balistan were well appreciated by people and Chief Gust, Ms. Noor Ul Ain (PRCS Provincial Secretary, G-B).  She Further distributed 25 layer birds, feed and other material among the participants of layer management training.

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