DevelopmentGilgit - Baltistan

Ghulkin gets the crown of Gojal Cricket

by Ghulam Nasir

Gulmit, July 23: Ghulkin emrged victors in the final match playing against Al – Joshi, Shimshal. Ghulkin scored 187 runs, in the allocated twenty overs. Chasing the taraget Al Joshi were all out, while still 48 runs short of the target.

Yousuf Iqbal of Ghulkin team was named man of the tournament for his overall best performance while Shahid of Ghulkin became man of the match. Rehan Shah was the chief guest of the prize distribution ceremony and president of local council presided over the session.

A total of eleven teams participated in the tournament out of which Ghulkin and Shimshal (Al Joshi) were able to make it to the final of the tournament organized to pay tributes to two mountaineers, Shaheed Meherban Shah and Shaheed Jahan Baig.

The tournament was jointly organized by AKYSB and the Gojal Teshil Sports Association.

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  1. congrates to Gulkin Team for their first victory in cricket history of Gojal. well don

  2. welldone Nadeem good captiancy congrates for winning the final match..

  3. congrates to Gulkin team ,
    kindly check the name of Shaheed is not Meherban Shah, is Marhban Karim Shaheed


  4. Congrates Ghulkin Team you got that….It is really nice to hear that Ghulkin Team Won the match….Wish you good luck for next matches. Good job Shahid, yousuf, and all team members.

    Sajida Khan
    USA FL.

  5. the cabinet of Gulmit Young Stars Club congratulats Ghulkin Sports Club for their acheivment.

  6. wooooooooooooooooooooo

    Yeh Buddies u did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Dear Team Members of Ghulkin,

    Congratulations for excellent performance and team work, our young players have played very well. keep up your efforts to retain this title in the years ahead.

    I would also uplaud the the role of Good Captaincy and Co-ordination.


    Shah Zaman

  8. First of all let me pay my heartiest congratulations to Ghulkin Cricket Team for their unprecedented efforts and discipline which brought them to the winning position. All the teams deserve congratulation who had participated in the event to make it successful and provide entertainment to the people of Shimshal.
    Our deep thanks for our Shimshal brothers who with their tireless efforts made it a successful event with their great hospitality, their warm welcome and respect. This is how they have shown the way to other villages of Gojal.

    For me and other youth of Gojal this is not just a game of cricket, it is an event of love, unity, brotherhood and mutual respect. There are huge benefits behind these types of events, and this is the only major event where the youth participates and gets a chance to relax himself from the routine boring life. The bond of unity and brotherhood this event makes is unbreakable and unshakable, if the youth of Gojal know each other the reason is cricket tournaments in Shimshal, Passu and Chipursen.

    Over the time these events have become a part of our culture and we should accept it because it is serving the society in many terms.
    Lastly the role of Tehsil Sports Association is also commendable and we would expect such healthy activist from them in future.

  9. Congratulations to the wining team and commiserations to the runner-up. At the same time appreciation to the partner organizers for arranging the happy and exciting mega sports event for the youth. Finally it is the victory of the youth of Gojal for having such healthy and youth interactive session. We expect such happenings in the time to come as well.
    Hopefully all the stockholders may have played to the essence of the tournament.
    Last but not least salutations to the Heroes, both our martyr brothers.
    Thanks PT for the updates, in the past, present and hopefully in the future as well.

  10. congratulations ghulkin team
    and also the manegment who arange the toutnment it is one of good activity towords unity.these sout of events are importent for gojal youth.

    Infact not the first the secont Victory of our long Cricket history,,,,wohhhh great…..

  12. First of all i will congratulate the organisers who with the passage of time are organising physical and mentel improvement activities for the youths and secondly to all the teams who participanted in the tournament and made the tournament successfull.

    No doubt it has given me emence plesure that Ghulkin Cricket team has became the best team of the tournament and this is their consective win so the credit goes to every individuals of the team because they performed with zeal and zeast wich enabled them to got this wounderful victory.
    I appreciate the performance of Yousuf Iqbal and Shaid for their brillient performances

    Ali Masud & Shaima Ali


  13. congratulation Ghulkin all n the team specially. there r allot of depth of skills ihave seen in the youth.keep it up in future.

  14. I give Falicitation to gulkin team for their great team of luck for the future and keep it up.welldon young grade1.

  15. First of all I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulation to Ghulkin Sports Club for their great achievement and I hope they will sustain it in future as well. We have potential in our youth but the thing is to use correct thing in appropriate time and place. Deteriorate and progress are part of life, it was a time when we were dreaming to won cricket tournament at Gojal level. Now the thinking dimension changed and we became more practical and I think our energetic youth proved it. It doesn’t matter someone is losing or someone is wining but the thing which is significant for me is to what extend that event personified unity, love, generosity and respect among our youth. Whenever I visit to Gojal I return with enormous grief because our youth is engaged in unavoidable ethical activities. I think the first and for most objectives of such events must be to prevent those youths but I am very sorry to say that such events provide them an opportunities to engage in smoking etc. I strongly appeal to the stakeholders that they must consider these areas as well.
    Wish all the very best
    Hameed Tajiki KIU-GLT

  16. Congratulations to Ghulkin Team for winning and to the organizers for organizing such a successful tournament.


  17. congratulations ghulis u ppl showed a true sportsmen spirit. nice job keep it up

  18. Congrats to the Ghulkin cricket team for their outstanding performance in the event , i must appreciate the skipper Nadeem, Yousof for his brilliant century against hussaini , didar akbar for his allround performance both with bat nd bowl , shahid ali for his knock in the final and of course its all about team efforts and u guys proved that u r the champions , well done nd keep it up.

    Sikander Karim

  19. Congratulations for excellent performance for both team, i appreciate for young players of ghulkin team. The bond of unity and brotherhood this event makes is unbreakable and unshakable, if the youth of Gojal know each other the reason is cricket tournaments in Shimshal, Passu and Chipursen.
    Ali Hassan

  20. Congratulation to the organizers for providing such a wonderfull plateform to the youngesters at the beautifull village SHIMASHAL- E – BE MISAL. congatulation to all team members for thier participations. and finally the runner up and the winner team who played the final match. congrats to Mr. Ahmad Nadeem. well done, i appreciate u and keep going on and on…………..

    Fayaz Karim

  21. congratulation the oraganizers who provided such a wonderfull plateform to the yougesters and the tournament concluded elegently. congrats to all the participants and the runnerup and the winner team. special congrats to Mr. Ahamd Nadeen, under his patronage gulkin team for the first time won cricket match in its history. Well done Nadeen, i appreciate ur captency. keep going on and on……..

    wish u best of luck for…………….

  22. Congratulation Ghulkin team well- done.Good team work keep it up!!


  23. wa sikandar wha champions hahaha yar sab chashma use karty thy match mai islia …ne way congratulations


  25. GSA president and members are conngratulation ghulkin team on the great victory.your unity is your identity.congratulation shimshal team and pepole of shimshah on good effort.and best wishes all the teams of gogal.success is not permanent and failure is never final so continue your effort.

  26. congratulation to Ghulkin team for wining the cricket tournment in Shimshal and also to Shimshal team to access thraoug to the final.

  27. Ghulam Nasir has misspelled his name. Congratulations to Ghulkin cricket team on winning the final match. But, let’s not play things out of proportion and exaggerate things (see the headline).

    A balanced approach to everything is highly desirable, especially in journalism. We all, however, are learning a lesson or two here and there.

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