Das Japukay Bridge fails to facilitate the villagers

Anayat Baig Alvi
Punial, January 5: Abridge between the villages of Das Japukay and Gitch is special because it has been under construction for the past five years. The fund were allocated for construction of a larger wooden jeep able bridge between the but now a very narrow and small bridge has been constructed which is even difficult for driving a motorbike.
Gitch and Das Japukay are the villages of sub-division Punial of district Ghizar, located 25km away from the District Head quarter, Gahkuch. Point to be noted is that there is no any middle school in Das Japukay so all the students are forced to come to school through a much longer path. People there are lacking many basic facilities of life and they need the attention of the responsible people.
As mentioned earlier, the fund was allotted for a jeepable bridge between the two villages but for unknown reasons the bridge has been constructed in such a way that not even a motor cycle can pass through it.
People of these villages demand for the jeep able bridge from the government officials of the respective areas. They demand from the government to ask from the contractor for the completion of the jeep able bridge.
This is really a core issue which needs the attention of the elected people of the respective areas.