By Salima Aman
With great lament, I am here to narrate the awful current scenario and mishaps that occurred during the last one month in Hunza Valley, my beloved land. Historically speaking, the trend of suicides was not very dominant in this region. However, within a short span of time, a sudden rise in the graph has been observed which is dangerous for the society. These mishaps were seen in limited geographical areas of the gorgeous valley.
My concern is not only to write some paragraphs on whether it is wise or not to end one’s own life. What bothers me is the silence, perpetual sleepiness. Can this be the cure of our problems?
So many reasons are behind the force which lead them to show such a cowardly behavior; it has mostly targeted special class of teenagers and youth. Frustration, social, family issues, and media effects are forcing the teens to take such drastic decisions.
Everyone is, for sure, facing many problems but it is not possible for everyone to jump up into fire leaving behind tears and burning wounds for families.
We are leaving in an educated society which would never allow all of us to be victims of undesired accidents. It’s been observed in human psychology most of the people limit their minds to specific things which at the end might not be accomplished and they don’t see another path, start thinking like this is the end we can’t go ahead. They feel that this might be the end of their strengths, their existence is useless and that’s when they decide to close the chapter of their lives. At this point the faculty of reason stops working and one fails to wisely look at what will go wrong. One fails to see the sufferings of the parents and siblings who may have held your little hands and taught you to take the first step or clapped at your first, shaky, sprint.
We need to realize that our ancestors came across so many obstacles the intensity of which is more than ours. We need to reflect for few seconds; we are living in luxuries and enjoying our lives due to their struggle.
I agree that there is a big generation gap and our old parents would like to drive us according to their experiences and we would try to shape our lives in our own ways. At such critical junctures, the educated minds make more stable and rational decisions.
Our society is in flux and so many factors are playing against each other. We are failing to understand what truly is a long-term development trait and what is a fad, which is likely to fade away with the passage of time.
Media has played a vital role in changing the minds towards fantasy. They are selling a fanciful lies and that’s precisely why we need to stop buying the dreams they are selling. We should, instead, look at life as a practical journey, having its own highs and lows. The tales of Romeo and Juliet, Heer and Ranjha are fanciful but they are also far away from reality. This life is full of struggles and the Day of Judgment is there for everyone. If one thinks after finishing the story he/she will be given peace, they they need to come out from the delusion. We need to remember the Islamic teaching about suicide and the afterlife.
Value your existence. Value your life which is blessed only once. We the mortals don’t know its importance we are sent to this planet for a purpose. Never underestimate yourself. Try to excel in your field; try to be the best in your profession or passion, whatever be that.
Enjoy your life. Be flexible. Create and have many options for success or failure. Don’t be afraid of failures. No one has always been successful. Broaden your thinking. Be strong to tackle complex and critical circumstances.
This is for all of us, and we all should try to help those who are in depression and guide them the right way. It will show sympathy; if the only thing we can do is showing helping hand in need. Now it’s your turn how you bring change, what you plan to do better for your community, how you implement your maturity.
This piece of land is our responsibility, to exclude and cease complexities from our society youth is responsible and stakeholder of this beautiful valley. Brighten your futures with realities.