Paragliding enthusiast dies in accident

Images: Anwer Shah
Gulmit: A 30 year old paraglider Muhammad Mohsin Zaki, from Lahore, was killed in a paragliding accident at Ayeenabad locality of Shishkat village in Upper Hunza. He took off from Karimabad and after 20 minutes hit a mountain just above Ayeenabad due to heavy wind.
The members of CERT team of Focus Humanitarian rescued the body and shifted to tehsil headquarter hospital Gulmit. The body was later sent to Lahore.
tragic –sad
It is very a sad accident, and have sympathies with the families of the dead person. However, the weather was inclement for any such activity. Focus volunteers make us proud again!
Mohisn is son of our respected Br Zakiudin. It is profound sad news for all of us. Allah un ki maghfrit kary our aap sub ko sber e jameel ata kary Ameen
Allah unki maghfirat kre or un ki aagay ki manzilen asaan kre.ameen.or un ki family ko sabar azeem atta kre .ameen
rich people and their obsession to become men!for which they spend millions while poor starve. this is no shahadat! hadeeth tells us that muslim must not waste time in useless sports and activities.muslims only passion must be jihad.and in jihad alone people achieve shahadat
Really sad news… May Allah (swt) give the departed soul higher place in jannah and Sabr (patience) to the family…Aameen
May rest him peace!
اناللہ وانا الیہ راجعون۔
Big lost for our family , May Allah bless his soul and give highest place in Jan nah Ameen
Pasha/ Ibnan Johri
Great irreplaceable loss for family and friends who knew Mohsin’s soul that never stopped stirring, exploring and soaring. He lived and died looking to the skies, seizing the day with both hands and stepping out the door into the arms of his ever loving maker.