Training on horticultural value chain management concluded in Passu, Gojal

Passu: WWF-Pakistan in collaboration with Passu Reform Panel organized a two days’ workshop entitled “Training of local Communities in high mountain horticultural value chains for better production, processing / value addition and marketing” on 31st October – 01st November 2015 for the farmers and local community of Passu Village, the main objective of this session was to train and aware the local community about the production, processing and marketing of Fruits and vegetables in local and international markets.
A huge number of participants participated in this session and highly appreciated the effort of WWF Pakistan for arranging this session. Faiz Ullah Scientific Officer PCSIR and Shahid Karim GM, GABA Industry addressed the local community about the production/processing and marketing of agri-products.
According to GB Agriculture statistics 40 % of the fresh fruits and vegetables are lost due to the lack of training, awareness, processing technique and marketing, this session will enable the local community of Passu to process and market their homemade agri products in local and international market. In the session four types of products were produced from seabuck throne, apple, potato and tomato the importance of seabuck throne and apples were also focused as Passu village is the largest producer of apple in Gojal Valley. PR