“Girls Never Go To School In CHUNDA Valley”

Shahid Ali
Glow Together Baltistan (GTB) is a well-reputed Social-Students organization based in Baltistan region, famous for conducting awareness and counseling sessions, particularly in backward, remote areas of Baltistan. They have specifically targeted the Government institutions, which are normally ignored and considered unimportant by both public and administration. They, in addition with their said fruitful session also point out the problems and shortfalls in such institutions for consideration of Government.
Recently Team-GTB visited Chunda valley, Skardu, traveling a rough, un-paved route, where they conducted a very informative session in Government Higher Secondary School. On inquiring, it was a dismal experience to listen about the school, which is being continuously neglected by the authorities.
The Head Master Mr. Muhammad Raza explained that the said school is actually of “Middle” level, and the “Higher” level is not yet approved, and they are desperate to adjust the allocated budget of Middle level to Higher Secondary level, consequently they are extremely suffering in compensating the unequal proportions.
He further said; “Although the authorities have already announced the up-gradation of the institution long ago, but never witnessed it happening, yet”.
Moreover the number of teacher for the current structure is less. Though the present teachers are well qualified but, subject specialized teachers for class Matric are not appointed, which results in certain difficulties for teachers to deliver lecture of unprecedented subjects. The teacher, HM and school administration is totally helpless in this regards, as the responsibility lies on the Directorate of Education, to develop a mechanism for check and balance of such severe conditions.
Chunda is a very beautiful valley, and can be reached through a rough-jeep track from Combined Military Hospital (CMH), Skardu, but the beauty of this valley is uncolored, as the girls of Chunda mostly do not go to school, due to lack of institutions. There is only a small private school for girls upto 4th,5th standard, while the government is totally deaf and blind in providing them the most cherished gift of education. The people of Chunda are continuously demanding for an institution for the girls to start a journey towards light, but the elected bodies, authorities are not considering their this valid demand.
It is pertinent to mention here that even there is no Govt. school for boys in the adjacent valley, “Tandal” so, boys travels about 30-45 minutes to reach Chunda valley for schooling while girls never goes to school.
Team-GTB, and the Humans of Chunda, demands for an urgent proliferation of the education system in Chunda valley. The special interest of the elected bodies and provincial government is needed to drag the situation according to the principle of educational emergency system, to save the future of Chunda valley.
The contributor is a student of Electrical Engineering, and affiliated with Glow Together Baltistan as Chief Executive Officer.