2nd Interactive Youth Forum 2020 (Virtual)

ISLAMABAD: (PR) Every year, on July 11th, The World Population Day is celebrated throughout. This year, in commemorations with The World Population Day on 11th July, 2020, Institute for Social and Youth Development (ISYD) arranged a one day online 2nd Interactive Youth Forum 2020 with the generous support for Population Council and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on a theme of “Breaking Stereotypes and Advocating for Enforcement of SRHR & Family Planning” for the youth of Pakistan with the aim to spread awareness, building capacity and increase knowledge of younger generation about the sexual and reproductive health, Family Planning and safe abortion, not only through interactive discussion, but also via online theater performance and a virtual award distribution ceremony to motivate young activists and change makers in field of SRHR, Family Planning etc
Attended by hundreds of youth from throughout the country, the forum highlighted the transitioning history of SRHR, Family Planning, maternal and child health in Pakistan and compared the previous status with current situations of economic recession due to corona virus that results in increasing frustration between families that creates unfavorable conditions for women and newborns in particular.
Mr. Sarmad Muhammad Soomar moderated the discussion around the topic that went live on the facebook from the official page of ISYD. The penal comprised of biggest influencers and activists of the country, including, Dr. Yasmeen Qazi from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Dr. Qudsia Uzma from World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Asif Wazir from United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Ms. Iram Kamran from Population Council and Ms. Laraib Abid from MASHAL.
The panel discussions focused on the issues of the impact of population on many facets of young people’s lives, the impact of COVID-19 on the access to Reproductive Health information and services to Maternal, Newborn, Child, Adolescent and youth health, impact of COVID-19 concerning SRHR, LSBE and Family Planning, Situation Analysis of Reproductive Health of Adolescents and Youth in Pakistan and the Importance of Youth Engagement around Population and SRH dynamics.
They responded to the queries of youngsters during the sessions and shared personal experiences and anecdotes to build the capability of youth to engage in the prevalence of this highly stigmatized fundamental aspect of society.
The discussion was followed by an Online Theater Performance by the ISYD Theater Team to draw a vivid picture of society negligence towards these important issues that results in harsh living conditions for the entire family and the effects of it can be traced in the society as well. The team depicted heartfelt realities of a person who is being deprived of the rights for long. They theatre performance clearly highlighted the importance of Family Planning.
To encourage youth participation and appreciate the ones who are following this path, ISYD presented “ISYD Youth Leadership Awards 2020” to the 12 promising youth activists across Pakistan who has been striving for youth participation and bringing the positive change in the society.
- Owais Karim Kheraj
- Sarmad Muhammad Soomar
- Muhammad Arsalan
- Hani Baloch
- Sumbal Rana
- Malik Mohsin
- Naba Khan
- Sara Saleem Valliani
- Sonia Surani
- Mirza Ammad Baig
- Neha Khan
- Nayyab Ali
A video competition was also conducted and 3 winners got selected for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Position. A cash price was given to the winners of Video Competition.
- 1st Prize: Team WO KAHANI
- 2nd Prize: Muhammad Abdullah Ijaz
- 3rd Prize: Jennifer Wycliffe
After theatre performance, a musical performance was also performed by the LAAL band to promote the artistic medium for social change and to motivate youth people to play their active role in society through different mediums. They performed a few great songs to engage the audience.
Afterwards, the final remarks were given by Ms. Samia Ali Shah (Project Director – Population Council). She highlighted the importance of Family Planning awareness among young generation and appreciated the endeavors of youth for organizing such event in the time of Corona when the entire world is going through critical crises.
Finally the event was conclude by Mr. Joshua Dilawar, who thanked all the participants, team members and partners especially the main partners; Population Council and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and other technical partners including FP2020, Population Centre Pakistan (PCP), Idara-E-Taleem-O-Aagahi (ITA), Road to Rights, MASHAL, Activist Alliance Foundation (AAF) and Pakistan Advocacy Network (PAN).