Gilgit - Baltistan

PAC GB Chairman accuses agencies of helping terrorists escape

ISLAMABAD – Accusing the federal government and law enforcement agencies for supporting terrorists and deteriorating the law and order situation in the province, Public Accounts Committee (PAC) Gilgit Baltistan (GB) Chairman Raziudin Rizvi has asked President Asif Ali Zardari to initiate a probe in order to punish those responsible.

RuRAddressing a press conference at the National Press Club, Rizvi disclosed that top terrorists including Shakirullah and Qari Arifudin managed to escape from the Cheeta Jail in Gilgit with the assistance of law enforcement agencies.

PAC Chairman said he had informed the provincial cabinet that terrorists were being provided with VIP facilities including news papers, cellular phones and television during their imprisonment, but the matter was not taken seriously.

“Chief Minister Syed Mehdi Shah also directed the concerned authorities to withdraw these facilities from the terrorists, but his orders were not followed and the terrorists managed to escape,” he said.

Demanding that the government should create a judicial commission to probe the prison break, Rizvi said these terrorists were responsible for the killings of Syed Ziaudin Rizvi and Tehseeldar Mohammad Akbar, and feared that there would be more bloodshed now that they have escaped.

“When the local youngsters tried to organize an event in connection with Youm-e-Hussain at the Karakorum International University (KIU), the University Chairman GM Sikandar and Vice Chancellor Najma Najam posed hurdles for them. But when the youngsters still went ahead with the event, GM Sikandar and Najma Najam expelled 15 students and fined the participants Rs. 500 each,” he said.

Rizvi maintained that the government and some law enforcement agencies were creating hurdles for the locals and were not letting them practice their traditional and religious rituals.

“Under the constitution, and all sects have a right to fulfill their religious rituals; then why is the Shiite community being victimized?” he asked.

Accusing the government for its biased approach against Gilgit Baltistan, he said that innocent Shias are being killed after being pulled out of buses and “the government is doing nothing”.

He demanded the government to replace GM Sikandar and Najma Najam with competent officers.

“An FIR should be registered against the university administration and a probe should be initiated in order to punish those who helped Shakirullah and Arifudin in their escape from prison,” he said.

Source: Pakistan Today

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  1. To my understanding there is a very fine balance to keep the sectarian harmony in Gilgit Baltistan and the religious / political leadership of the region could play a very important role to keep the delicate balance from collapsing.We have to keep our emotion in control and move forward to prevent further deterioration of our society.The democratically elected government should make sure that every citizen should get justice and provide enabling environment to practice their faith without fear.

  2. Religious Fanatics like this person are the actual trouble makers and run/supervise the religious based student groups. Rizvi sometimes threats to blast the Assembly, where he is an Chairman of a committee and now he has demanded to change the university management which is not the solution and perhaps no guarantee that such incidents will not occur in future until we have enforced strict law against the perpetrators.

  3. I think political and religious activity should happen apart from studies in university but the administration should look for the violent persons and take action against them. closing down every thing is not a good decision. we are muslims and all of us know that their and nearly 72 sects in islam so being citizen of democratic country every one is free to practice his/her religion. many universities in Pakistan initiate Yom-e-Hussain. what is the problem with Kharakurm University ? People should know that if the minds of people are filled with such thoughts that we should leave the religion they are doing injustice with themselves and others because religion and education are part of our life but violence is an evil act.
    Quran also stops us from doing tafruuka ! Kindly it’s a humble request to all people be Muslims by the way you got and let other be the muslims by the way they got.

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