
Karachi: New cabinet of PSA sworn in


Karachi: (PR) The new cabinet of the Passu Students Association Karachi was sworn in today at National Council hall, Garden Karachi. A large number of residents of Passu Village based in the city attended the oath taking ceremony. PSA has been rendering valuable services for the students community since 1987.

The following have been selected as members of the new cabinet.

President: Baber Majeed

Vice President: Karim Akber

General Secretary: Nawaz Khan

Joint Secretary : Kheyrun Nissa

Finance Secretary : Asif Saeed

Joint Secretary : Zahida Nasreen

PRO : Qurban Azim

The senior expressed hope that PSA will facilitate the students and professionals in their pursuits for holistic development. At last but not the least the ex-president Waheed Murad wished the newly cabinet a very good luck and advice the cabinet to work with the other students association of Gojal for the bright future of the students of our homeland.

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  1. Dear All,

    -Thanks PT first for sharing the news. Seems that once again the Inception of Revival of Passu is in formation stage, I on behalf of GECA & myself Congratulate to the new Office bears and the people who are actually working behind the stage. Passu was the most educated people’s village in Gojal with a lot of Historical
    -Achievements and Deeds related to this village. Many literary, social & political reforms started from this village but very sorry to accept the fact that from the last three decades the reflection seems very meager or nill.
    -GECA will stand with you for all the causes that is in betterment of the People of Gojal & Passvic; as an individuals orf as a whole.
    -” Already suggested for “Conservation of GULBATUR” Work for it if any help required can be sought from KVO or SNT. On behalf of KVO, I also assure you to share the Past Experiences being Hon. Tech. Director of KVO.
    -Once again congrats to every Passivic for a better and united Passvic.

    “God Bestow You People With the Success”

  2. My best wishes and prayers to all PSA team on demonstrating integration and unity towards education development. I would emphasized on two things :

    1. To help the deserving students of village/ area
    2. To encourage the high flyers for strengthening their capacity for becoming regional as well as global leaders.

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