
Mimicry in the name of development

Karim Khan

It is really a dilema of our people, the so-called 95 percent literate people who become pleased and proud of it, that we have adopted an ostrich policy of ignoring real common issues and brushing them under the carpet. Silence of this kind is no less than the criminal version of silence. But, when we become heated up and go on a spree of making law and order situation, the repercussions are long, and we are still reeling from it. After the abrupt ‘action’, we cool down and go into a long slumber, again.

This is mostly longer than a frog’s and snake’s winter hibernation.

We know how to keep our laptops on hibernation but do not mind things collectively to address in a peaceful manner and in an assertive and articulate manner. We overly celebrate sports events but ignore achievements in academics and speech and other forms of literary events. Everything we collectively do seems to be instigated by someone else and we just become ostriches, which say, “I cannot fly because I am not a bird and I cannot run because I am a bird”!

This is the dilemma of our people.

We try in futile way to imitate western culture and live in an age of no electricity in the twenty-first century. We mind to participate in camps but do not mind also to celebrate knowledge-based healthy social events. This is the situation. We don’t bother to know about our common lot and suffering and learn from history and just adopt the imitated culture of naming ourselves like Hindus and Christian models and film stars.

We should forget such a mimicking of culture. We have been told by our MHI, in 1996 Aliabad Darbar, “not to mimic other civilizations”.

We have clearly been guided to retain our identity, while being cosmopolitan in our ethical standards and appreciation of diversity, but we choose mimicry, which is a Monkey’s trait.

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