The culture of bomb blasts at its apex in the country (Aslam Khan Ghalib)

Pakistan has been witnessing the most devastating terrorist attacks on its soil since it has started extending it support to fight against terrorism. The recent bomb blasts in Lahore have left the whole country bewildering and the Lahories dumbfounded when the suicide attackers slammed into the building of FIA and a house in Model Town killing and wounding many innocent people.
Unknown men launched simultaneous attacks against the country’s top intelligence organization’s zonal building, slamming into the building, one crashing into a building in Model Town. The targets of the terrorist attack were heavily populated financially and with secret information about seriously threatening elements. The ratio of the suicide bombers has increased currently as Pakistan has come in the grip of civil war between the militants and government forces. The bloody nature of this war can be judged from the fact that during the last 71 days,16 suicide bomb blasts have been reported around the country and armed clashes claimed many lives which were either civilians, rebels, or members of the state forces. The militants are well trained in guerrilla tactics after the inception of Talibanization. This has really made the struggle hard for the forces against these militants.
The image of Pakistan in front of the international communities has become distorted. It is really a crucial time for all of us to think of such notorious practices and to get rid of them. If the same practices persist, then there are chances of loosing the identity of Pakistan at any cost. At last but not the least, it is expected that every individual will be fully conscious of the happenings in the surrounding and will act as a buffer to dissolve all the ambiguities that are generating after every hour in the minds.
A special request to our youth is avoid any kind of public gathering, crowd or sensitive places as no one is aware of such kind of uncertainties being from a background which teaches us the lessons of peace and prosperity.
ghalib u are right,things were not good for the last 3-4 years but the situation is worse nowadays.we are saying that we dont know the people who are creating all this fuss.destroying families and killing innicents.
who ever the miscreants are,but the thing what we on this level and on this plateform is to analyse i think ,about the reasons which made them miscreants,terrorists or activists etc. here many people have many approaches towards these situations.
there are two main reasons of all these offensive activities:
1) the tribal or religious people were teased.saying that their extremism is not in national this in national intrest that you are facing a suicide attack almost every week killing dozens of innocent .????????? it is some thing to ponder over.
2) (i dont know wether to discuss this point or not)
the second things are the agencies which have thier influence in every matter of the country:there is alot and really jolting about this .i woud request the moderator and farman bhai specialy to inform me about discussing such issues or not.
It is really the most difficult times we are in these days. As it seems that yet another great game is being played this time probably for control over the natural resources of this region.
We should always take special care as is advised by our institutions from time to time for our safety
1. Please avoid staying in crowded places
2. Return to your home immediately after completion of your tasks (School, College/University or workplace)
3. Avoid staying outdoors unnecessarily.
4. Be vegilent, watch your surroundings for any suspecious person or activity.
5. Keep contact with your families/collegues about your whereabouts and keep necessary identification documents with you.
6. Never resist to mobile/cash snatching during street crimes
I think by taking extra care we can avoid the harms of an unpleasent event to a great extent.
Let’s pray that may Mowla help us in these difficult times and our Country Pakistan is on the path of peace and stability very soon.
Sher Karim
its really very dificult time where these types of incidents are taking place we must avoid to visit rush places it can happen any were any time specially it,s request for young students dont waste your precious time as u finish your classes please get back to home safely.
Didar Karim Bar
dear all
gone through to the comments on the recent situation of pakistan, surly one must care and follow all these precautions, but this is not the ultimate salution, you cannot live under the shelter always, there is a situation of uncertainity in everyodyz mind that what happens next, when you leave ur home in the morning you are not sure that you will be back safely, as mr, Amjad has mentioned the reasons he is right but i beleive that government’s policies to win the hearts of the americans, and so called war against terrorism became very costly to the mass.
let the people live within their own culatre and values, and dnt impose whatever the US says, is the only salution.
malang jon
darbar sayien baba