
Gojal Convention being planned in Karachi, Political Future to be Focused

By Noor Muhammad

A Gojal Convention is being planned in Karachi. It will be held in the last week of June, in Karachi, and the theme of this convention will be “REPRESENTATION IN NORTHERN AREAS LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY AND THE POLITICAL FUTURE OF GOJAL

A group of young professionals, not representing any existing organization, is behind the concept communicated to Pamir TImes, for further deliberations. They believe that Gojal must have a separate representative in the Northern Areas Legislative Assembly. The convention is likely to attract thousands of people of peopel of Gojal living in Karachi.

There is an increased sense of struggle for political and economic rights among the youth of Gojal after whatever happened at the Silk Route Dry Port, Sost. The convention will be the first one of its kind organized by people of Gojal, in decades.

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  1. This is a very encouraging move by the people of Gojal. I must say that much credit goes to Pamir Times for propagating whatever development has so far been made in the political and social arena. Actually people are aware of what can be done to protect their political rights, but, the system under which they have spent their lives has hindered developing political mindset/habbit. Now people are more educated, wise, active (politically/socially), and independent to decide their fate.

    This type of convention will definitely provide political awareness at large to the mass and platform cum opportunity for the young generation to lead.

    Wish u all success.


  2. Very good!!! I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all those who are involved in pursuing and promoting this postive move.

    For the poltical rights, it is important to have positively poltical awareness and education; for poltical awareness/education we require capable human resources (leaders, advocates/lwayers, journalists, human rights activists, other CSOs); and for the promotion of these rights we require determined, effective, strong and capable media.

    Unfortunately, in the context of the so-called Northern Areas, when we observe, we have dearth of these facets in poltical develpment. Therefore, we couldn’t move ahead neither at the north level nor at the sub-regional levels for the last decades.

    Although a novice medium (platform) but very effective so far, when we observe the PT and its contributions towards develpment of the namelss Northern Areas.

    Hope in the near future, PT would advance ahead besides this blog, and take initiative in havingg an online-full fledged newspapers for the peoples of the entire mountain region.

    With regard to the first ever poltical convention at sub-regional level, may I take this opportunity to suggest to come up with a “concept paper of the convention” so that the convention should lead towards appropriate and logical end. Some of the key questions that may require to be answered in that paper could be:

    1. What are objectives (specific & broader) of the poltical convention?

    2. Why is this convention necessary? Significances of this convention need to be justified.

    3. How this convention would be organized?
    a)Who are the stakeholders of this convention?
    b)How many people would be convened from different stakeholders and why?
    c) How this convention would be managed?

    4) What may be the pros and cons of this program/convention?

    (This question would require a SWOT analysis: i.e., analyizing the following features involved in the convention such as strenghts, weaknesses, threats and opportunities).

    Wish you all the best of luck for this convention. Thanks PT once again for providing opportunity:
    a) “for becoming voice for the silent and suppressed peoples;
    b) for trying to become a hub of collective/representative voice of the deprived and suppressed commuuniites;
    c) for becoming white papers and white boards for the writers and for people fond of writing on different issues;
    d) for becoming informant in providing true information of different issues;
    e) for creating awareness of different issues of the region; and
    e) for endevoring towards genuine goals.

  3. i will not say congrats but i will say thanks. The young generation needs a gathering like this.
    We all should try our best to make this gathering successful and result oriented. we should make people feel that this gathering is not like those typical gathering which end in quarrels,as it happens mostly. and a request that try to do some thing, not only pass resolutions.

  4. That is a very optimistic view, that the potential is there for a new politics to be shaped, and for strategic alliances to effect fundamental change over the long run.
    so Noor saheb ! can you mobilise people in the really huge numbers that would make a difference?
    I don’t think it is so simple. There’s no such thing as a “sustainability movement” in this country.

  5. A very good move and will really develop a positive environment for the youth to think about something that has to be in hands shortly.We have been depoliticized,demoralized and deactivated.We are deprived of the constitutional rights.In this scenario the more appropriate option is to get onto a move to secure our constitutional rights,reintegrate and reinstate our political status.
    We have many many things lacking and the compensation is a must otherwise we would remain like what we are.
    Keep going and we are with you.
    Aslam Ghalib

  6. A brilliant idea brought forward.I hope this would prove fruiteful with a revolutionary effect. keep it up.

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