Wolrd Environment Day celebrated in Upper Hunza, with zeal and enthusiasm
Press Release
World Wide Fund for Nature Pakistan, Northern Areas, and Serena Hotels SEED (Social and Environmental Education Development) Programme, celebrated World Environment Day 2008, in Sost Gojal in collaboration with Ismaili Council for Gojal Bala, GRSO (Gojal Rural Support Organization), Open Ismaili Boy Scouts Association, Gojal Bala, Town Management Committee Sost (TMC), PTDC Motel Sost, Environmental Protection Agency Northern Areas (EPA, NAs), Programe for Mountain Area Conservation (PMAC) and KADO.
More than two hundred and fifty participants from the above mentioned organizations, school students from Khyber, Ghalapun, Gircha, Moorkhoon, Sost, Khudabad and Misgar, representatives of local administration, members of Khunjerab villages organization, SKIDO (Shahi Khyber Imamia Development Organization), Mohsin Industries Sost and Silk Route Dry Port Trust, participated in the event.
Considering the issue of solid waste as critical environmental issue in the Sost Market, WWF-Pakistan conducted a clean up campaign of Sost main market (I km area). The entire environmental day package consisted of three sessions, including the cleaning of the market area. The second session formally closed the cleanup campaign and was addressed by the chief guest, Deputy Superintendent of Pakistan Customs, Mr Zafar Baig. Representatives of various organizations also briefed the gathering about variuos enviornmental issues facing the region.
During the third session all the stakeholders assembled at a local hotel and discussed the means that can be used to ensure sustainable management of solid waste. It was concluded, towards the end, that a survey would be conducted to analyze the real picture and the findings of that survey would be used to develop relevant plans and strategies.
World Enviornmental Day!
I am very pleased to see the activities of LDO’s and NGOs,
Like WWF, IUCN, AKRSP , But this is also thinking point why
GOP is not celebrating and taking part such international Days?
in Gojal Conservancy area so much work is going to preserve our natural resource and wild Animal, the Govt offical and some infuential people are voilating the rules, particulary the Hunting.
Is any solution of this issue.
Any way apprecitated for the good work of WWF.
Rahmat Karim
ICD, Dubai.
It is great to hear that world environmental day was celebrated at Sost Gojal by various NGO’s and Governmental agencies, which is the need of the hour.
Solid waste management at Afiatabad (Sost) was a big issue for many decades. The GoP and other private firms are earning millions of rupees from Sost but expending not a penny on the development of the area.
Town Management Committee Sost is doing a good job, due to their efforts; in addition to the solid waste management now clean water is also available in the Market area. I really appreciate the efforts of new management of TMC Sost.
Dear Reporter,
The reporting is getting day by day worse of this gojal news. I dont understand is it intentially or the reporters have that lack of knowledge.
like the one Khunjarav Village, which village is Khunjarab village?????????????
I personally request to Noor, plz think and circulate the news just a bit according to the actual situation and related to the Area.
Name of the council has also, narrated but the the things are messed———–
why the name of other villages of Gojal r not written—— Plz Noor, we dont required news for the sake of news but with a sound background and situations
Respected Baig Ali Sahab
The entire content of the report published above is part of a press release sent by the relevant organizations. I think the “Khunjerab Villages” has been used, collectively, for all the villages that are part of the Khunzhrav Villages Organization.
Your observation regarding the reasons for which names of the ‘other villages’ of Gojal are not written is valid. But since Pamir Times didn’t develop the press release so we not in a position to reply to that question.
We try our level best to present news according to the situation and have also been trying to give full coverage to all villages – based on the number of news items we recieve.
I hope that you will keep guiding us in the future. Thank you for frankly sharing your views with us.