Gilgit - Baltistan

The China bridge in Gilgit breaks!!

The ‘China Pul’ constructed by Chinese engineers at river Gilgit broke down on friday, 15th August. A couple of days ago this bridge had developed cracks because of a damaged pillar and the photographs were also posted on Pamir News Blog.

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  1. The famous “Danyor skrod” al last broken down in Gilgit river, we have to wait so long to re consustruct the demaged portion…….. at the season of “Aloo”, the only kesh crop of Hunza-Goajl. I think our political repsesentives are still in “Khab Khargosh”.

  2. What will happen with our only livelihood product “Potato”. Through Pamir Times I want to appeal to the concern departments to kindly renovate the bridge as soon as possible so that the people can easily trade.

  3. No sign board or obstruction was placed for guidence of tourists & it has become a cause of accident and death of three young tourists on may 1st,2009.
    I request the local govt to look in to it and close the road leading to the bridge to avoid further accidents.

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