Gilgit - Baltistan

People of Hunza feel strongly against job discrimination

by: Zulfiqar Ali Khan

HUNZA, Sept 14: The leaders of political and civil society organisations from Hunza have blamed the Gilgit-Baltistan administration for nepotism and favouritism in recruitments for government jobs in which sectarian and regional considerations were being employed by organised pressure groups and mafias that rule the roost in bureaucracy and political organisation of the region.

The population of Hunza valley is about 60,000 and the literacy rate for both men and women is above 80 per cent. The share of Hunza in public sector employment is, however, negligible. A large number of youth were employed in tourism and NGO sectors but both of these sectors were badly suffering due to law and order situation in Pakistan. There is strong feeling of resentment against the discriminatory policies of the present administration.

Talking to this correspondent, Fida Karim, president, Pakistan Peoples Party, Hunza, said that only six persons out of 200 have been appointed from Hunza for National Highway Authority (NHA) police, which is to be de ployed for the security of Chinese engineers and builders engaged in the expansion of Karakoram Highway (KKH). This is in clear violation of merit and discriminatory as Hunza is the most affected region since about 210 kilometres of the road out of the total 300kms pass through Hunza.

He said the vacancies were not advertised properly to achieve this end. Hoor Shah, president, PML-N Hunza, also complained that the jobless youth from Hunza, qualifying on merit, were excluded to employ the kith and kin of the influential people.

He said that there were only 50 policemen from Hunza in the Northern Areas Police Department compared to 300 from just one village of Gilgit.

Aziz Jan, Chairman Union Council Gojal, criticised the Chief Executive Ghazanfar Ali Khan for turning a blind eye to these irregularities. He said the Government of Pakistan was earning millions from Hunza by way of taxes, tourism etc but the share of the local people in public jobs was negligible.

Amanullah, convener, GilgitBaltistan Democratic Alliance said that Hunza was considered the most literate and educated region not only in Pakistan but also in developing countries and this was proved in national and international level exams.

He said Hunza only demands to be treated on merit in appointments and no special favour.

These leaders also condemned the establishment of camp office of the newly announced HunzaNagar district in Gilgit. They demanded additional seat for Hunza in Northern Areas Legislative Assembly (NALA) before declaring Hunza and Nagar as districts. They also demanded the posting of Deputry Commissioner (DC) and Superintendent of Police (SP) from District Management Group (DMG) in the newly established Hunza-Nagar district.

Public circles have also condemned the violation of merit in appointments and demanded neutral, high level investigations in recruitment procedures of Northern Area Police. They have also threatened to resist if any discrimination is shown to the people of Hunza valley during the establishment of Hunza-Nagar district and KKH expansion.

Courtesy: Dawn, September 15, 2008

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  1. Well done mr hoor shah president pakistan muslim league hunza and mr Fida Karim president people party hunza. We need leadears like you to lead us. Our elected leader ghuzamfar has done nothing for us. we feel ashamed having leader like ghazamfar. We have been blacmailing ourselves that ghuzamfar has relations with high officials of pakistan. What had officals done for us so far. Hunzukutz, Gojalis…………. Wake up. Finish discriminatory and biasnessess among yourselves. See how other communities press you back, arent you feel embarrassed. and vote for those leaders who belong to the people who are frustrated. keeep in mind, we can act now our coming generations will scould us on what we have done.

    Ahmed ali
    an extremist for development of people of Hunza-Gojal

  2. Yeah…..its a reality we have been neglecting for so long……But time has come to show some response……often pple think we are weak even in getting our rights…………..its critical time to SHow our concern and muster up our strenghts……….

    We welcome suggestions and plan of actions for Getting our rights….through a proper channel…..

    we need support and coordination of pple like Ahmed ALi Khan….I am sure there are hundreds of pple among us who have a vision and courage for a change!

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