Inspirational Hameed Ullah of Kirmin, Chipursan, passed away
by Sher Iqbal
Gilgit, June 24: Hameed Ullah, a resident of Barmas Gilgit, originally belonging to Chipursan Gojal passed away yesterday night. Half of Hameed’s body was paralyzed for almost a decade because of a severe injury to his spinal chord. He was living in Gilgit in a house provided by the government of Pakistan.

Hameed was very active on the internet. He had an orkut profile, maintained a account, commented on Pamir Times from time to time and was fond of photography.
He lived the life of a highly courageous person, undaunted by hard physical challenges, spreading smiles all around. We pray for Hameed’s soul and wish him a happy life in the hereafter. His full-of-life photographs on the internet will keep inspiring us.
Pamir Times offers deep condolences to the bereaved family.
“INA LILALLAHHI WA IN ILEHI RAJEOON” My heartfelt condolences with his family members. May Mawala keep his soul in eternal peace.
Javed Ali
Very sad news indeed. Hamidullah was my class mate till class 8 and we were good friends. He was really a very courageous person and his will power was superb. Few days back when he was admitted in CMH Gilgit, I used to visit him and still could see little smiles on his face though he was not very optimistic about his life this time.
This is a great loss indeed for his family and for Chipursan ofcourse. However this is the sad fact of life. I pray that his sould may rest in eternal peace and may Allah Almighty give strenght to family members to bear this irriparable loss. My messages of condolence to Ghulam Shah Bhai and family in Islamabad, Wahid and all other family members.
Sultan Ahmed
I am extremely grieved to learn about the sad demise of Hamidullah.
I would like to convey to his family members my heartfelt grief and condolence.
I pray to Hazar Imam to bestow eternal peace on the departed soul . Ameen.
Aziz karim
My deep condolences to the family members of late Hameed Ullah, I pray to Almighty Allah to give rest his soul in eternal peace and courage to the bereaved family to bear this irreparable loss; Ameen.
Mr. Hameed Ullah was one of the brave solider and got serious injuries during his service which harmed him with his backbone, but he fought the battle of his existence with courage and confidence till his last breath and supported his kith and kin like a brave soldier. His bravery and courageous will power shall be remembered for ever. Thanks Hameed Ullah for your services to our homeland. God bless your soul in eternal peace
Thanks and regards
Sharif khan
May God keep his soul in eternal peace.
We were extremely grieved to learn about the sad demise of our friend Hameedullah.
He was my roomate in 90s in Karachi then he joined Pak Force. Unfortunately he broke his spinal card in galicial mountain during back from post.
We never heard any loud voice from him. He was so kind gentle and brave and courageous.
I talked some month ago with him and we were in communication through net.
today i received this sad message.On behalf of my family and myself would like to convey to his family members our heartfelt grief and condolence and sympathy and share in their grief and sorrow.
We pray to Almighty Allah to bestow eternal peace on the departed soul and give courage to family to bear this irreparable loss with patience and fortitude. Ameen.
My heart felt condolance with the decreased family. May Allah rest his soul an eternal piece.
Gohar Shah
Its indeed a shocking news for all of us, May Allah bless his soul in eternal peace. My heartfelt condolences are with his family and relatives.
Almaty KZ
I my extremely sorrowful on the sad news of Hamidullah’s demise, heard on PT.I express my heartfelt condolences to the family of HamidUllah on this big lose. He was an brave soldier and courageous individual even after his serious injury during his service to the Nation. May God grant the departed soul eternal peace and give the family patience to bear this irreparable loss.
I m very grieved reading this news about Hameed Ullah khan. My all sympathy are with the traumatised family. I pray for his soule may rest in eternal peace.
very sad news God gives him place in his Jawari Rahmat,and Sabar for his families.aamin
it was sad to know the news for the departure soul Mr.Hamidullah
its shocking news but to bear this we all have to go through the same phase, this is very sad for gentleman like hamidullah, i remmeber him trying to contact me on,, we have nothing to offer him, except our humble prayers, may the Almighty Allah rest the soul of Hamidullah our brother who went through some of his hard time in life,We the sons of Adam would raise our hands for the soul of Mr.Hamidullah, May God grant him Heaven ay Allaah tallah,bestow him place him in Heavens Ameen,We are the crateatures of Almighty Alllha,we Can only offer our sincere praprayers for Hamidullah and may Allaht Tallah give courage to all his family,We come from God and we returng to him,,,,My condolences to all the family members of Mr.Hamidullah,Ya Allah yar Rahibi, Grant Mr.Hamidulah Heavens.Though i might not know him but i came to know about him on the net itself,its heart breaking to know such news God Bless you all.Regards from Dubai, Karim dubai
Very sad news indeed. Our deep condolences goes to the family members of late Hameed Ullah, we pray to Almighty Allah to give rest his soul in eternal peace and courage to the bereaved family to bear this big loss.( Aameen)
Shahgul Khan & Family
Very sad news, ma Allah gives his soul eternal peace and rest. I extend my deep condolence to his family members and relatives.
Fazal ur Rehman
May Mawala keep his soul in eternal peace.I would like to convey to his family members my heartfelt grief and condolence.
salman karim
very sad news indeed i visited him at his home he was quite well few years back my heartfelt condolence with his family may Allah rest his sole in eternal peace and give strenght to family to bear thiis great loss…
“INA LILALLAHHI WA IN ILEHI RAJEOON” My heartfelt condolences with his family members. May Mawala keep his soul in eternal peace.
Farzana Shah( islamabad)
My condolences to the faamily of the deceased. May his soul rest in Eternal peace. Ameen
INA LILALLAHHI WA IN ILEHI RAJEOON” My heartfelt condolences with his family members. May Mawala keep his soul in eternal peace.
Haider Ali
Ver sad.
May God give him a loving life in his other world.
My heartfelt condolence with his family members. May Allah keep his soul in eternal peace.
Engineer Baig Ali
“INA LILALLAHHI WA IN ILEHI RAJEOON” My heartfelt condolences to Mr. Hameed ullah’s family. It is indeed an irreparable loss. We all pray that Allah Almighty may grant eternal peace to the departed soul and courage to his family to bear this loss (Ameen).
With deepest sympathy,
Ejaz Karim (Raminjik)
“INA LILALLAHHI WA IN ILEHI RAJEOON” My heartfelt condolences with his family members. May Mawala keep his soul in eternal peace, Ameen. My messages of condolence to Abdul Hafeez Bhai and family in karachi, Ejaz and all other family members.
I extend my heartfelt condolence to the bereaved family and pray may Allah rest the soul in eternal peace.
Sultan Rumi
Khaplu Baltistan
Inna Lillahi wa inna elaihi Raji’un
Hameedullah was a true example of great courage as he was passing through the pains, agony, hope and desperation.
As we know a young man like Hameed who had his own dreams of life and an earning member of his family and suddenly met an accident damaging his spinal cord. He bravely and courageously lived for the last few years.
It is indeed a great loss for his family and friends. My deep condolences to his family, his uncle Ghulam Shah and others back in Chipursan. May Mowla bless his soul in peace and give strength to his whole family to bear the loss of this true inspirational young man who was an icon of courage.
Sher Karim & Nahida
we extend our heartifelf condolence to all the family members of the departed soul and we pray may Allah keep his soul in eternal peace. Aamin
His contribution as a soldure will be remembered till the end.
Ali Masud & family
we extend our heartifelf condolence to all the family members of the departed soul and we pray may Allah keep his soul in eternal peace. Aamin His contribution as a soldure will be remembered till the end.
Ali Masud & family
very sad indeed. may Allah keep his soul in eternal peace and give strength to his family.
I am extremely grieved when I learnt about ‘THE MAN OF COURAGE’ has been passed away after a long-way fighting with life and death. This, I would say is my bad luck that, I did not met him for a long time. I was used to visiting him when I was stationed at Gilgit.
The sacrifice and true companionship of his spouse must be mentioned and acknowledged. She is a symbol of tolerance and inspiration for all of us. It will be injustice if I do not acknowledge her care, commitment, and confidence.
My ALLAH keeps his soul in eternal peace.
Abdul Waheed
Dear all
On behalf of my family I would to thanks to all dear brothers and sisters who expressed his/her condolence with my family in this melancholy movement.
Thanks once again.
S.K Hunzai
Inna Lillaha Wa Inna Iilaihi Rajioon
May Allah rest his soul in eternal peace nd give da courage 2 his family 2 bear this loss
Very sad news indeed.May Allah keep his soul in eternal peace.Aamin.
May Allah give strength to the bereaved family to bear such a big loss.
A R Posh
& Family
“May God, the Almighty, bless his soul in eternal peace and rest and confer the bereaved family members with patience”.
Fazal Amin Beg
I do agree with my brother Abdul Waheed. Late Hamid’s wife has really set an example of care and full support in a situation which is beyond normal. This is what Khidmat is all about. I really salute her and I am really inspired by her patience and courage.
we extend our hearfelt grief on the departed soul of Mr. Hameed Ullah .May Allah give rest his soul in eternal peace
Very sad news, i have a number of interaction with him throgh internet. He was a nice person and very optimistic. May Mullah Bless his soul in peace and my deepest condolences with the family members. A great Loss to the people of Gojal , particularly to the people of Chupurson.
” All of us have to go One Day” , But do something, so that people remember you forever in Postive way.
Safder Ali
Very sad news indeed. Our heartfelt condolances to the family and friends. May God rest the departed soul in eternal peace.
Darjat and family members
May God rest his soul in peace. He fought life like a brave soldier.
Condolences to the breaved family.
Amin Beg and shamshad
Innalillaha Wa-inni illehi Rajion. May God rest his soul in eternal peace & give patience to the bereaved family.
Ali & Karim
My Heartfelt Condolences with his family members.Myay Allah keep his soul in external piece.
Muhmud Nadeem
very sad news …May God rest his soul in peace
Our heart felt condolences goes to each and every member of the bereaved family. May God rest his soul in peace and give strength to his family members to bear this loss. (Ameen)
Dear All
Thank you very much for the comments and sharing your thoughts and sympathy with us. As to my observations God gave hard time to my brother but I am very confident that his soul will be in eternal peace and mushkil asan!!!! Because he had a lot and too much…..
But with all challenges my brother was very confident, happy and always he was involved with creative activities and his thoughts were wise and full of logic.
But as physical life has an end one day———
A very sad news and huge loss to his family. maulwa give his famliy sabar for this loss. And may mauwla keep his soul in external peace.
A very sad news for the youth of kirmin chuprson……..May God rest his soul in eternal peace & give patience to the bereaved family.
“INA LILALLAHHI WA IN ILEHI RAJEOON” A shocking news for all of us,We really lost one of our great friend, may Allah keep his soul in eternal peace, Ameen
Ali Rehmat Musofer and Qadir Karim
Our Heartfelt Condolance with his family members. May Allah Keep his soul in Eternal Peace.
He Was a man of courage and exampliary for other people around.
Ameer Ali Alvi
. May Allah Keep his soul in Eternal Peace.