
Warm reception for Khunjrav – Karachi peace walkers in Gilgit city


By Rehan Shah

Gilgit, October 12: The citizens of Gilgit offered a rousing welcome to Asghar and Ejaz Rumi, the two participants of Khujrav – Karachi Peace Walk. As the peace walkers entered the Cilmi’sh Das area of Gilgit students welcomed them, standing on both sides of the road from Al Azhar School to Karakuram International University campus.

At the Karakuram International University the vice – Chancellor Dr Najma Najam welcomed the peace walkers along with hundreds of people including faculty members and students. She appreciated the young walkers and said that their courageous step is a powerful voice for the region’s people and shall inspire youth of the region to work for creating a peaceful environment in the region.

Activists of various organizations, including JTI, ISO, PSF and PML also offered a very warm welcome to the two young walkers who have walked from Khujrav border and want to go to Karachi, the Southern end of Pakistan. Activists of Hunza Students Federation (HSF) were also present at the occasion.  

Another group of citizens and political leaders including Haji Abid Ali, vice president of PML (N) and Islam (PPP), along with their activists offered a warm and historical welcome to the youngsters belonging to Sost – Gojal, Hunza. Messages of encouragement and appreciation were also sent by Agha Rahat Hussain Al – Hussaini and Qazi Nisar, among other religious and political leaders based in Gilgit city.

Hundreds of people started walking with Asghar and Ejaz Rumi through the Gilgit – Bazar in a rare show of unity for peace. The peace walker visited Yadgar-e-Shohada of the region’s liberation war, located in Chinar bagh, near the GB Legislative Assembly building. Prayers were offered for souls of the martys and long lives of the alive freedom fighters.

The walk converged into a procession near Jamat – Khana Bazar and it was addressed by several local leaders, as well as the two peace walkers. The need for maintaining peace in the region was highlighted by speakers and the walk was termed to be a call towards peace and progress in the region. Gilgit city, especially, has been the most affected part of Gilgit – Baltistan where sectarian feuds had brought the city to stand still a couple of weeks ago.

Asghar and Ejaz are staying in Gilgit for the night and would be entertained in a musical night for peace arranged by youth of the city. Tomorrow morning the two walkers would start moving towards Islamabad, walking on the Karakuram Highway. They are expected to reach Islamabad after two weeks of constant walking for peace.

For more photographs by Ali Ahmad visit the DAILY UPDATES page.

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  1. Both RUMI’s still doing tremendous job and the People of Sost town to Gilgit city appreciation both Young blood work as peace walk Khunjrav-Karachi. its first initicial step,from todays its 2nd steps, best wishes and best of luck to both RUMI’s.


    Roomi Farhat Beig Sostiq

  2. @ Tayib Uncle… today on 16th they are in chilas and will depart for babusar and i think they will reach Mansehra after 4 or 5 days…but im not sure about that… this much was in my information i provided to you…

  3. well done mr ejaz and asgher rumi and i appricate ur efforts and pray from Allah that u might complete ur mission
    well done keep it up

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