
Chitral – Ghizar road blocked by protesters in Punial

by Liaqat Baigal & Nazeer

Gahkuch, December 23: Angry protesters have blocked the Chitral – Ghizar road near Sher – Qilla and Buber protesting against the death of seventeen (17) years old Zubair, son of Muhammad Jan, and injury of political activists last night. Markets have also been closed in Gahkuch, capital of Ghizar district.

In the meanwhile, government officials have denied the ‘allegation’ that elite force opened fired on the protesters. They have said that the murderers are unknown people and not security officials.

BNF, on the other hand, has said that the riots were started by supporters of Pir Karam Ali Shah and flared by security agencies, to manipulate the results.

The overall situation is very tense in the otherwise peaceful Ghizar valley.

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  1. My heart bleeds on the tragic incident at Sher Qilla in which a budding young life was lost. I extend my heartfelt condolnces to the breaved family. It is unfortunate that we cannot hold election peacefully.

    It indicates a very bad start of the new government for the area. All sides need to refrain from voilence and the unfortunate incident should be investigated by the Chief court Gilgit and the culprits should be given exemplery punishment. It is unbelievable that with such heavy security the perpetratora are unknown.

  2. If we look at the previous historical data regarding the overall temper level of the area, it will clear that the people of the area are very peaceful and calm, but actually it,s the actual face of the PPP through its agents / tools disturbed / destroyed the whole peaceful scenerio of the election in this area.

    We can better assess PPP,s understanding towards democracy and respect for democratice values. It,s the right time and it,s extremely necessary that the main culrits must be brought in the court of justice and should be given exemplery punishment. I extend my heartfelt condolnces to the breaved family.

  3. This is in reference to the comment of Eng. Farman Karim regarding the tragic incidence where two innocent lives in Sher Qilla were lost. Words fail to condemn this incident. These innocent people were struggling hard to liberate their motherland from feudalistc stranglehold. The root cause of this unfortunate incidence is the feudalistic mind which cannot tolerate any opposition so that the status quo is maintained even in this 21st century.

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