
Coordination Committee of Mutasireen-e-Gojal organizing a conference on Gojal – Hunza situation in Gilgit today

by Ghulam Nasir

Gilgit, March 9: Coordination committe of “Mutasireen-e-Gojal” has organized a conference in Gilgit today to highlight the issues being faced by people of Gojal, in particular, and Hunza valley in general due to the events triggered by a fatal landslide on January 4.

Speaker and members of GBLA, local political and religious leaders, social activists, GBDMA and FWO officials, and general public from all parts of Gilgit – Baltistan have been invited to participate in the conference. The conference will be held at Gilgit Continental Hotel, near Chinar Bagh.

“The situation is deteriorating day by day and the food crisis can be felt across Gojal valley”, an organizer told Pamir Times. He also said that due to the loss of land and land connectivity with rest of the world the economy of Gojal valley has been shattered. “Cosmetic measures would not work”, he said. “What we got from China, on government money, were rotten onions which is now being sold to us”, he further said.

It is high time for the officials to pay heed to what the affected people of Gojal valley and Attabad are demanding. The time is passing fast and issues are just compounding, leading towards frustration and social tension that might explode anytime soon.

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  1. Dear Zulfiqar Saheb

    I along with my collegues and family members from Passu appreciate your efforts and information provided through PAMIR TIMES.

    Once again thanks for your hardwork

  2. I appreciated the efforts of committee to highlight the issue on international media. It is my deep gratitude to members for their work and looking forward to resolve this matter promptly by pressurize gov’t .there is more need to unite all youth of hunza to play their role in these curtail circumstances. Being victim of attabad I am very thankful to all fellows who render their services to us …..

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