Cricket tournament at Passu reaches the quarter final stage..
PT News
Passu, July 23: The youth of Gojal Valley are very enthusiastically engaged in a cricket tournament underway at Passu. The tournament has been organized by Passu Students Association.
The following teams have reached the quarterfinal stage of the tournament.
The quarter final matches will be of 15 overs.
go jamalabad go…inshallah u guyz willl make us proud coz we know u guyz will…
go passu go… our prayers are with you.
khuda abad royal club won the final by 36 runs..zafer and waseem afsar have done great job both scored 64,64 runs
Kindly do not post such fake updates bcoz not even a single team mentioned above entered in this tornament.
Dear Piyar Ali,
This news was posted in 2011.
Kindly check the date.