PT Report
Islamabad, August 14: Renowned academician, poet, researcher and cultural activist, Professor Dr. Inayal Ullah Faizi, has been awarded the prestigious Tamgha-e-Imtiaz (literature), on the occasion of Independence Day.

Professor Faizi hails from Laspur Valley of Chitral.
Dr. Faizi writes in Urdu, Khowar and English. He writes weekly columns in two Urdu language newspapers, writes poetry in Khowar and Urdu and has also carried out several research works during his career. He has also led important literary bodies of Chitral.
He had obtained a Ph.D from Peshawar University in the early 90s, becoming the first person from Chitral to get the distinction.
People of Chitral and Gilgit – Baltistan have hailed the decision of awarding the renowned scholar and felicitated him on the occasion.
Congratulation to Dr. faizi and his family on receiving award of Hilal- imtiaz on his selfless services in the field of education and literature.
It is hoped Dr. sahib devote his life for unity and development of human being and particularly amongst the muslims of the region.
Ali Mehr
Gilgit- Baltistan.
Congragtulations and good wishes to Dr.faizi and his family for the auspicious award of Hilal Imtiaz. we wish his research and educaion will benefit to all.
Hakim jan
Honolulu, Hawaii
Dr. Sahib is well known personality in over all Chitral. Why people love with him? Because his language quality and research standard is very high. I request to Dr. Sahib that kindly try to research on Danial Baig shaheed because his contribution for chitrali people is very prominent and he faced imprisonment for chitralis rights and he was against the British occupation on chitral and he spent his last life in Madras jail India which was imprisoned by British ruler.
Fida I. Rahmat
SeenShali Chitral
Dr. Sahib is well known personality in over all Chitral. Why people love with him? Because his language quality and research standard is very high. I request to Dr. Sahib that kindly try to research on Danial Baig shaheed because his contribution for chitrali people is very prominent and he faced imprisonment for chitralis rights and he was against the British occupation on chitral and he spent his last life in Madras jail India which was imprisoned by British ruler. Dear Dr Sahib I have never seen a brave personality in Chitral except you because some writer knowingly neglecting Danial Baig personality. I basically direct descendent of Danial Baig Shaheed, in this regard I can help you if desired.
Fida I. Rahmat
SeenShali Chitral
Many congratulations to my beloved teacher. He is really inspiring personality. I have seen very few people of his calibre who live in Chitral and have devoted their life for the culture and people of Chitral. God bless you Sir.
Fida Hussain