Large number of Karachi based GBians attend PTI Jalsa

PT Report
Karachi, December 25: A large number of Imran Khan admirers, from different parts of the Gilgit – Baltistan region were present at the mammoth political Jalsa organized by Pakistan Tehreed-e-Insaf today.
Imran Khan mentioned the people of Giglit – Baltistan specially in his address near the Mazar of Jinnah, the founding father of Pakistan, no his birthday.
Some observers from GB have criticised Imran Khan for failing to state his party’s policy vis-a-vis the constitutional status of Gilgit – Baltistan.
A number of youth from GB were seen manning stalls, wearing badges of PTI.
It is pertinent to mention that over 150,000 residents of GB are based in Karachi, for education, jobs and trade.