Gilgit - Baltistan

Supreme Court bench approves petition against appointment of SAC Judge for hearing

Asim Iqbal

Islamabad, February 23: A three member bench of Supreme Court headed by Justice Shakir Ullah Jan Wednesday admitted a petition filed against appointment of Justice Rana Arshad as SAC Chief Judge for  for regular hearing. The Supreme Court directed Federation of Pakistan, Ministry of Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit – Baltistan to submit their answers within 15 days.

During Wednesday hearing the apex court asked the attorney general to explain under which law the self governance order(SGO) 2009 was promulgated. Attorney General replied that the President of Pakistan on behalf of the federal government had issued the Self Governance Order 2009.

Justice Shakir Ullah Jan remarked that the Federal Government had no authority to promulgate SGO, to which attorney general replied that  the President had the power under artical 258 to issue such orders.

He also said that the SGO could be declared null and void.




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