The Naji conodrum

Mustafa Kamal
What happened in GB Assembly few days back is nothing more than a scrumptious abracadabra. The PPP ministers proved that they are gofers of Zardari and Gilani. With public issues they have no attachments. Slowly are coming out the details of PPP corruption in the region by some independent sources, and believe it that they are shocking and horrendous. Dr Ali Madad, the PPP Minister for Education and spokesperson of the party has himself confessed that bribery did work during the current hiring of teachers in GB. Now the corruption stories of other ministers are on surface. All hail democracy that they will get a clear license from their masters sitting in Islamabad.
That said, the bloody caper of theirs must end now. For those who have forgotten the events taking place in GB since the establishment of Mehdi Shah Government, let me briefly highlight some grave issues and to see how the assembly has addressed them.
The first event took place in Sherqilla, where a young supporter of Nawaz Khan Naji and a worker of his BNF party was brutally killed by police. We don’t know still what actions have been taken against those police officials. The assembly – passing resolution in favor of Gilani did not take any notice of that young man’s killing.
Later happened the Attaabad tragedy – completely ruining the lives and property of the people. Our CM was visiting Lahore to see the exhibitions in various universities instead of being with their people of Gojal. Our assembly didn’t take serious notice of it too.
Later were assassinated two people in Hunza by police officials. Our assembly remained numb on the issue. The leader of Progressive Youth Front Baba jan was arrested. The police brutally tortured him in jail and his life is at stake. Our assembly –passing resolution in favor of Gilani as usual remained silent on the said occasion.
Events following were barbaric, though. Killing 18 innocent people belonging to a particular sect after identifying them. The repercussions were felt in Gilgit city – the headquarter of Gilgit Baltistan, and the people were completely bunkered for ten days. Our assembly –passing resolution in favor of Gilani still bothered less in soothing the events. Lest we forget the Mehdi Shah and his stalwarts were paying tributes to the graves of Larkana.
The notion that Gilani is an innocent man and nobody should oppose him and each one must support him is a figment of PPP ministers. In any civilized country, majority has right to move any bill on any issue in constituent assembly, but at the same time the opposition too has every right to oppose any bill, to speak against it and to torn it apart – that is what Nawaz Khan Naji did and he deserves our highest praise. Naji asked the assembly to move a bill to tackle the issues of GB instead of showing sympathies with Gilani. He had a valid point.
The harangues in GB assembly are farces, yielding no ostensible results. It is for the majority of assembly members to accept the opinion of opposition members, to hark and value them instead of harassing them and calling police to oust them from the assembly. Naji is an elected representative of people like other PPP members. He too is a custodian of law like other members of the assembly. Cancelling his membership and banning his entry into assembly will prove the dictatorial and fascist governing style – contrary to the reconciliation politics of PPP.
Dear Mustafa you doing brilliant job , keep it up dear ….