Labour Party Pakistan concerned about safety of Baba Jan

Special Correspondent
Islamabad, July 21: Labour Party of Pakistan has said in a press statement that a joint-investigation team (JIT) has shifted Progressive Youth Front (PYF) leader Baba Jan from Gilgit central prison to some unknown place.

Speaking to Pamir Times on phone PYF’s spokesperson, Zahoor Ellahi, said that Baba Jan’s life is under threat and the party is seriously concerned for his safety. He said that if anything happens to Baba Jan, GB Chief Minister Mehdi Shah, GBLA Speaker Wazir Baig, state agencies, police and the GB administration will be held responsible. He said that the PYF activists will go to any length if their leader is harmed.
It has also been learnt that a delegation of the Labor Party of Pakistan is planning to visit Gilgit along with a number of human rights activists on 25th of July to meet the detained leader and see his condition.
Baba Jan had been detained along with four of his party workers almost 11 months back on charges of damaging public property and leading riots in Hunza Valley after two Internally Displaced People, father and son, were shot dead by the police. The father and son were protesting along with several other people in favor of their demands for compensations against loss of property due to damming of the Hunza River.
The Hunza River had been dammed due to a landslide at Attaabad village on January 4, 2010.
Investigations should be free, transparent and fair.