
Cricket: Khudabad and Ghulkin are winners of two separate tournaments

Our Correspondents 

Gojal, July 22: The cricket teams of Khudabad and Ghulkin have won two tournaments separately, but simultaneously, held in Passu and Shimshal.

According to details, Khudabad defeated Passu in final match of a tournament that was supposed to be attended by teams from all parts of GB. In Shimshal, Ghulkin defeated Chipursan cricket team to win  the Late Niaz Memorial Cricket Tournament.

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  1. I sincerely congratulate the Khudaabad Team not only players but supporters on a brilliant victory over the Passu team! We are all proud of our team that has truly united the Village. I am convinced that there are many victories ahead. I believe that our players and team captain will do their best. Let us prove the whole world that we can be the leaders!

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