Gahkuch: Prices shoot up with the arrival of Ramazan

Mumtaz Gohar
Gahkuch: The prices of various edible items have jumped up with the start of Ramadan in Gahkuch Bazar. The shopkeepers are busy in grabbing money from the consumers without displaying the rate lists and price control committee is not bothering to take notice in this regard. Essential items are also not available in utility stores.
The prices of essential commodities had already gone up to the sky before the start of Ramadan. Vegetables, fruits and all the basic commodities have witnessed 25 percent to 50 percent increase in their prices, increasing the burden on the troubled common man. Traditionally, only the prices of fruits and vegetable go up before Ramadan but this time, prices of more than 25 daily commodities like sugar, rice, pulses, chicken, beef, mutton, vegetables and fruit prices have also shot up. Like every year, the price control system of Muncipal Committee Gahkuch appears to have failed in controlling the prices. The price lists issued by the local administration seems a showpiece in the shops since the shopkeepers are not following the prescribed rate lists on the one pretext or the other. The wholesalers and retailers, particularly of fruits and vegetables, are enjoying a freehand and are fleecing the consumers in the holy month despite the tall claims of the authorities concerned.
This price hike in the markets has trickle down and make impossible for the middle and lower middle class to arrange even two-time food for a family of five members.
The residents of Gahkuch Bala/Paeen, Damas Ayshi, Silpi, Golodas, Hatoon, Kanchay and Hasis demanded to concern authority to take serious action against high prices respectively during the Holy month of Ramzan.