Pamir Times was launched as an indigenous news and views blog on 23rd October 2007. Since then, we have tried our level best to build an information network, to connect the people of Gilgit-Baltistan and Chitral, residing within the region, in Pakistan and outside the country.
Developed and maintained by ordinary, non-professional, unpaid, citizen journalists, the blog has tried to remain active during the last five years.
We are proud of the support, love and encouragement that all of you have bestowed on us, by sharing your write-ups, sending us reports, photographs, commenting on posts and providing us vital feedback by “liking” or “disliking” the reports posted on the website.
The maturity level of our editorial and reporting team has grown with the passage of time and we are trying our level best to increase objectivity and authenticity of our reports. Through e-activism, we have appreciated what is good, rejected what is bad or ugly, and we have tried to stand for peace, harmony and justice.
Supported by a team of highly committed volunteer citizen reporters, we have tried within our meager capacity to improve the authenticity and credibility of our reports. Gaining the “Runner-up” position at World Summit Youth Award 2010 was perhaps the highlight of our five year long journey.
We are positively eager to continue the information service and with your support we will be able to stride towards success, in the years ahead.
At the same time, we would urge our youth to come up with new and better initiatives, to ensure that our region is best represented in the comity of nations, which is increasing using social media for projecting issues and opportunities, weaknesses and strengths.
Thank you for the all support, criticism, appreciation and, above all, contributions.
This could not have been possible without all of you.
God bless you all 🙂