Parveen from Gojal earns doctorate degree from Aga Khan University

Our Correspondent

Karachi: Dr. Parveen Roy, a resident of Gulmit (Gojal, upper Hunza) got the degree of doctorate (PhD) in Education from the Aga Khan University, Karachi. She received the prestigious degree yesterday at the university’s convocation, becoming the first female from Gojal Valley, upper Hunza, to get the degree.
She had earlier completed her Masters in Education from the Institute of Educational Development, AKU.
She attributed her success to the prayers of her parents and family members and her own hard work.
It is pertinent to note that only a handful of people from the Gilgit-Baltistan region have obtained doctorate degrees and the ratio is still lower among the women.
Public circles from across the region have expressed their happiness over Parveen’s success.
A number of other graduates belonging to different parts of Gilgit-Baltistan also earned degrees of M.Ed and diploma in their respective fields. Among the other graduates from GB were, Dawood Khan Sabir, Dinar Shah, Amina Bibi, Bahadur Khan, Alam, Irshad Baig m and Hussain Murad.
Would you please send my congartulations to Dr. Parvin. I wish to communicate with her directly; I am a teacher, having taught in China in 2005 and was in Tashkorgan across the border for 10 weeks this past summer. i would appreciate if she would write to me as a fellow educator who wishes to share educational experiences.
way to go!!! Bravo Dr. Parveen! You made it. You are a trendsetter and we all must be proud of you. I really appreciate your hard work, courage and persistence for realizing your dreams. God bless you (Aamin)
Sultan Ahmed
Congratulations Parveen!
Many many congratulations Dr. Parveen. Proud of you
Please accept our heartiest congratulation to you and your family on recording a history of becoming first Ph.D female in Gojal Hunza. It is expected that you would not any stone unturned for educational development at GB as well as the country level.
We all proud of you.
Bravo Dr.Parveen !!! for excelling in education. Your hard work, courage and commitment to your goal made it possible. Proud of you, Stay blessed.
i think she is the youngest female having Ph.D.
Congratulation Parveen for your amazing achievement (Ph.D)in the field of education. YOU have developed yourself now it is time to develop others by your knowledge and expertise. I am sure you will also think about the deprived female section of GB where gaining education is still a dream. Congratulations for your marvelous achievement. Stay blessed
Congratulation to fulfil your dream, many worlds have to explore, ready for fly. You are a real asset for upper Hunza particularly and for Gilgit Baltistan Generally. Keep going great..!!!!!!!!
Congratulation Parveen!\
You did it… Congratulations… a mile stone achievement and contribution to the history of education in Gojal
congrats and hats off for ur success ma’m.
Congratulations Parveen. We are really really proud of your dedication, struggle and courage.
—-Congratulation Dr. Saheebah for setting the trend and engraving her name in History of Education in GB’s. The team of GECA Islamabad especially Congratz YOU—and hope the same from the Daughters of Gojal.
My family and My Parents especially Congratz YOU and wish You Success in your Professional and Career.
Engineer Baig Ali & Family
Congratulations and thumbs up for your great efforts. Well done.
A symbol of pride for our whole region, really very proud of Dr. Parveen….. many many congrats…
Congratuations Dr Parveen. You are real source of inspiration for others.
congratulation to you and your family………Your efforts are really appreciable—-mam
Really inspired and proud to becoming symble of struggle and success for all of us especially the female. please convey heartiest congratulations to the prided daughter of the area on behalf of me and my family….. cheers
What a great acheivement! Doc Perveen Roy, congrats to you and to your family members and friends. I wonder if, GECA could to oragnize a reception for students for her in Islamabad when she is in the town and may be linked with a session for interested students.
Darjat and Mumik
spaciall congrates 2 you and your family on your brillient success….we are really proud of you…
Congratulation DR. Parveen you are the first PHD from Gojal Valley it is the moment of pride for you and for Gojal I hope your skilful knowledge will work as instrumental tool for the development of education for the valley widely for the Jamat and the nation, as you know the Education History of Gojal is very new and we have to do much more for our future generation.Allah bless you with more success.
Hikayat shah
Felicitaciones al Dr. Parveen……..
Dear This for the first time i feel comfortable, with the achievement , a true one . No buttering of any kind , Dr has done a great job and nice gesture for the up coming students.
Best of luck and hope that you will help in making us real educated in a real mean.
May you get more energetic in your goal
Congratulation Dr. Perveen.
This is indeed, a proud moment for all of us
It is a great news!! Congratulations to Dr. Parveen Roy, her family and people of GB!!!
congratulation dear! proud
of you self made lady
congratulations, Dr Parveen Roy, what a proud moment for you, the family and the community at large.
Congratulations Sister. You have really made us all feel proud. True torch-bearer of Gilgit-Baltistan.