Donors appreciate performance of KADO ICT centers

Hunza (PR): A team consisting of European Union and GIZ officials recently completed a visit of the KADO i-Tech Training centers in Gilgit-Baltistan. The team appreciated role of Karakuram Area Development Organization (KADO) for being innovative and using information and communication technology for development in GB.
KADO is implementing a project entitled “ Enhancing Employability of Marginalized Segments in GB through IT”, co funded by EU, United Kingdom of Netherlands and the government of Germany in collaboration with GIZ and NAVTTC.
KADO i-Tech is focused to train youth in online earning skills through internet and also training youth in alternate energy solutions. Through this project KADO has to established seven state of the art i-Tech training centers all over Gilgit Baltistan, including Gilgit, Danyore, Gahkuch, Karimabad, Aliabad, Gulmit and Skardu. In the initial phase five centers have started its operations in Gilgit and Hunza. In the second and third phase the centers in Gahkuch and Skardu will become operational in the month of October, 2013.