Poets from Gilgit-Baltistan and Chitral read Khowar poetry at Mushaira in Islamabad

Islamabad, February 8: (PR) The Ghizer Social and Cultural Forum and Chitral Social and Cultural Forum jointly organized a Khowar Mushaira, poetry recitation session, in Islamabad today.
Around 30 renowned and senior poets presented their poetry during the Mushaira.

The poets who read their poetry during the session included Zakir Zakhmi, President of Khowar Qalam Qabila – a literary organization working to promote Khowar language, Jamsheed Hussain Arif, Mir Jahandar Shah Jahandar, Noor Shahideen Nasih, Alla Ud-din Urfi, Salih Wali Azad, Fateh ud Din Shikast, Fazl ur Rehman Shahid, Inayat Ullah Aseer, Sardar Wali Kash, Shehzad Ahmad Shehzad, Saeed Kainati, Ibad Ullah Ibad, Sher Ahmad, Sahib Wali Asra, Hafiz Ullah Amin, Syed Nazir Hussain Shah, Anwar Ali Anwar, Kashif, Mazhar Ali Mazhar, Fida Ali Shah, and Mustafa Kamal.
Mustafa Kamal, President GSCF, and Engineer Attiq Ullah, President CSCF, stated that the aim of organizing the event was to connect the scattered Khowar speaking communities in Gilgit-Baltistan and Chitral. The event was first of its kind in the history of GB and Chitral being jointly organized. Previously all such events have been organized separately.
Qari Buzurg Shah, renowned Sufi poet speaking on the occasion stressed on people to enact and preserve their culture. He also presented his poem about the importance of culture and the bondages the regions have historically. Important guests who spoke on the occasion included Mr. Abdul Jahan, Director MIED, Qari Buzurg Shah, and Ex- MNA GB Assembly Mr. Ali Murad.
The speakers highly appreciated the events and asked the organizer to accelerate such events in capital and cities of GB and Chitral. It was decided to hold annual Khowar Mushaira in GB and Chitral. It was also announced that GSCF, CSCF and MIED will organize a Khowar Cultural Show in Phander Valley in coming April, and a joint musical show by GSCF and CSCF will be organized in Islamabad in March.