The struggle of Gilgit-Baltistan Awami Action Committee

Inimical forces always try to divide people on sectarian base through the policy “divide and rule” to weaken the stability of Gilgit-Baltistan in order to get their desires. The people were very peaceful and cooperative but anti-state elements did not want to see unity among people so on may,1988 via a planned conspiracy the hidden hands fanned sectarism in the region and became successful in their unethical desires. The prevailing sectarianism destroyed the peace and progress of Gilgit-Baltistan. People instead of struggling for their rights started involving themselves in sectarian violence. The innocent hands of peaceful people were pushed to have weapons in place of pen through a planned conspiracy to halt the education progress of the people to stay them deprived of their rights. Different organizations tried to overcome strives between the sects but failed to get the aim. Finally, the government made Masajid boards to root out the menace of sectarianism but they also failed to sustain long term interaction and understanding between people. At that time the whole nation was seeking for providance of God, suddenly the nation faced an ordeal in form of “wheat subsidy cancellation”. It was hard to face the ordeal without unity so the nation needed a platform to become unite. Getting benefit of the situation Jauhar Ali Khan Memorial Society called all aprties conference in which all religious, political, student and progressive organizations took a part. A platform in the result evolved as Gilgit Baltistan Awami Action Committee.

After a long period of time Action committee became successful to unite the scattered people to fight for their rights. The people who were always talking about sectarian issues started discussing their rights. The whole nation gave mandate to Awami Action Committee to show that they are committed to get their rights. The shutter down strike of march,10 is example of the unity in which all roads, traffic and schools were off througout G-B. Gradually people forgotten all past worries and became unite. Recently, the residants of Nagar have invited Qazi Nisar Ahmad to the religious leader of Ahle Sunnat to visit Nagar and the residents of Chilas have invited Aga Rahat religious leader of Ahle Tashayyu to visit Chilas which is not less than a miracle.
It is no denying that wheat subsidy is basic right of the nation but intense need of the nation is peace. By grace of God now the region is becoming peaceful by dint of Awami Action Committee’s struggle which is praiseworthy. The Awami Action Committee should not limit his struggle only to releasing subsidy. They should lead the nation forever to sustain relations between the sects like now. The people of Gilgit-Baltistan should also give their mandate fully to Action Committee for better sake of the region. Qazi Nisar and Aga Rahat should immediately visit Nagar and Chilas to make the peace more strong. It is pray to Allah that may Allah save the unity from evil eyes.