Gilgit - Baltistan

What are the demands of the Awami Action Committee Gilgit-Baltistan?

Many of our readers have requested us to share the list of demands of the Awami Action Committee which has been protesting in the Gilgit-Baltistan region for 12 days.

The Awami Action Committee had published a pamphlet in which the demands of the 23-member alliance had been written.

The demands are;

1-      Restore the price of wheat to 820 rupees per 100 kilogram, as in 2009

2-      Immediate restoration of subsidies on oil, PIA fares and other items

3-      Abolition of fees being charged in the hospitals and free provision of medicines

4-      Lifting of ban on transportation of minerals and bringing an end to provision of mining lease to non-local companies

5-      Acceptance of the demands of the people affected by the Diamer-Bhasha Dam

6-      Bringing an end to illegal hiring in various departments and filling the vacant positions on merit

7-      Bringing an end to the load-shedding

8-      Withdrawing all taxes from Gilgit-Baltistan based on the principles of “No Taxation without Representation”

9-      Resolving the border disputes and protecting the borders of Gilgit-Baltistan

Other popular demands have been opening of Skardu-Kargil, Shontar (Azad Kashmir), Ishkoman-Tajikistan and other international roads to facilitate trade and exchange.

A copy of the charter of demands published by the Awami Action Committee in the early days of the movement
A copy of the charter of demands published by the Awami Action Committee in the early days of the movement

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